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Sexism, you decide.

Norman Verona

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Bob, just sleep. I only had jet lag once after going backwards and forwards to Chicago ans Portland Oregon many time. Took a week to re-adjust.


If I'm working I have Radio 4 on. It's just soothing background talk. However a lot of what's on is very English and eccentric.

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Spent the afternoon dropping off for short dozes but seem fine now at 7pm ish, probably be wide awake at 2am, must put some stuff out to get done in the quiet hours. I have buckets of photos to download.


Have a look at the off road track on You Tube or whatever called Dragon or Lions tail, Hells something or other in Moab. Did it in a hummer, almost driving vertically up cliffs. Focussed the mind somewhat. Her indoors was bricking it I was a true man "also bricking it", what a buzz though. Gave me a great respect for Hummers though.



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An awful lot of those male football players play like they have tits anyway....

if they did it would make the game more intersting!


2 isnt sexist in itself but the inference is women are sht at football and therefore his lack of ability makes him one. Sexism goes both ways but women wont accept that

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Portland Oregon is a sod of a place to get to from UK though Norm.  The one that always slays me is outwards to California.  Flights from UK arrive c. 4pm local time which is midnight UK time.  Then you go out for dinner and beers and get to bed c. 9am UK time,  Ruined before you start any work.  Then of course you have to fly home.

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We always went Manchester - Chicago, then Portland.


It's supposed to never snow in Portland. Did everytime I was there!

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The problem with sexisum it is like racisum, the majority of people who find offence are not those it affects.


Saw an article about Hooters, for those who live in a cave, it is a chain of resteraunts that have young girls who dress in shorts with vests on. The complainats were in full voice about how it exploits women etc. Cue the appearance of a well spoken Hooters girl who demolished those being interviewed, She was a well educated young girl who explained that as she was young she was happy to show off here figure, and as men were happy to spend money and tip well having a good time, what was the harm? She went on that everyone there was there by choice, they could work for the same money at Denny's but they wanted to work at Hooters, would those complaining deny them the choice of where they worked? This caused a problem for the complainers as on the one hand they wanted to support the choice of a female as to where she worked,on the other they wanted to close Hooters down, they were unable to answer without looking bitter and twisted in both actions and logic.


I also have friends who are Muslins, they get upset when others say how they find things offensive, like Christmas, they love the party atmosphere and are not unhappy with it being a Christian festival, but councils around the land go out of their way to not mention Christmas so as not to offend those who are not offended in the slightest.


As for Liverpool banning chants, well what a surfire way of ensuring that you get the most sexist chants they can come up with. No doubt they have employed a diversity officer who has to justify their place.

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I did go for an interview for a job as a Diversity Champion in BT where I already work.       Failed at the first question put to me during the interview. Once an engineer, always an engineer, ho hum!

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