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Sexism, you decide.

Norman Verona

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Following on from a discussion on Womens Hour on Radio 4 about sexist chants at football games, Liverpool FC have published a list of chants they have banned on sexism grounds.


So, the discussion only mentioned two, it was considered the others weren't for public radio,




1) "Get your tits out for the lads" 

2) "Gerard plays like a girl"




I think 1 is and 2 isn't,


What do you think.

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I suppose you could argue the second is. However it's not a literal phrase so in reality it isn't anythig to do with women.

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HM says it is and she not in the slightest a feminist.


My argument is that women play football with less aggression and gentler than men and that's what the chant means.

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I am, I'm outside cleaning the new tiles and listening to Radio 4. Well I'm inside now typing this but I'm going out again soon.

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Why is it sexist, the girls could sing "get your knob out for the birds"

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An awful lot of those male football players play like they have tits anyway....

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'Woman's Hour' is sexist by its very existence! Imagine the fuss if there was a daily show called 'Men's Hour'! :o

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"Get your tits out for the lads" 

 That's the ring tone I have on my mobile. Does that mean I'm sexist? Always causes a smile or two when I'm at the supermarket checkout and someone rings me but so far no one has taken offence to it and I've been using it for a couple of years now


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'Woman's Hour' is sexist by its very existence! Imagine the fuss if there was a daily show called 'Men's Hour'! :o


There is also an element of 'it's our turn' with women and sexism.  How about adverts aimed at women but using men depicting men as either idiots or toys.  For example, that one with Amanda Holden eating a yoghurt while resting he feet on a kneeling adonis.....don't get me started....

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Why can't things be as they were, Boys were Boys and Girls were Girls, we all knew where we stood.    These days it's all a grey area and no one knows who's who.

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Why can't things be as they were, Boys were Boys and Girls were Girls, we all knew where we stood.    These days it's all a grey area and no one knows who's who.


Is that like fifty shades of grey?

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agree with the need to get out more but suggest that No 1 is purely a request for the delightful ladies in the crowd to demonstrate their support for the team its certainly not sexist just a request.


Stevie G not "D" playing like a girl is a complement to the ladies, don't see any problem with either but then I am a dinosaur, do I care, not in the slightest. Some people are just too sensitive.


Me I'm bl**** jetlagged to death and need a few Friday beers to try and get my body clock back in sync, roll on 9 oclock.


Bob :d  :d :d  :d  :d  

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You back in the mother country now Bob? Sounds like a great trip?

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Most of me is but the heads shot, few beers tonight should sort. I've done the important jobs like run up the Westy to check a potential sticky oil relief valve. Will bore you to death when I see you at the weekend. Await the email.


Bob :westy:

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