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How others deal with a problem.

jeff oakley

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How others deal with a problem




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  Unfortunately those days of policing in the UK are over. Thanks to the lily livered arrrsssoles in European and the UK giving people far too many rights its beyond a joke. Most people have some common sense and respect for others but some people are just numb nuts. If that happened in the UK it would be on Utube within minutes Cue the lawyers,media,human rights and all that crap .it would go to court, cost millions in fees & for the chav to come away from court with hugh compensation from the police, infringement of human rights the coppers getting suspended and the UK THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE WORLD AGAIN!!






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Buzz, it's not like that in France, see post above. If they can do it so can we. Change the law to stop all the no win no fee nonsense. 

We should also change our Human Rights Law. The last clause should read. "The above rights are suspended if  a person offends against others". Actually, maybe not as harsh as that, just suspended for convicted criminals where crimes against the person are committed. 


But, you're right, we'll not do what suits us (by that I mean the people voted to look after our interests), but will keep complaining about Europe. Which by the way has nothing whatsoever to do with the European Court of Human Rights which was set up after the Second World War, largely at Churchill's behest. And, if you consider the total lack of human rights during that conflict I find it difficult to criticize the court. 

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We should also change our Human Rights Law. 


I think that the Human Rights Act should work in conjunction with a new piece of legislation: the Human Responsibilities Act. 

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I think that the Human Rights Act should work in conjunction with a new piece of legislation: the Human Responsibilities Act. 


Best idea yet :d

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The balance is not to turn ourselves into a "hang 'em and flog 'em" society. We need to invest in rehabilitation programmes to avoid repeat offences. But, at the same time we need to make the lesson harder for the repeat offender.


We seem to look after the rights of criminals but ignore people who's lives are seriously affected by robberies and physical attacks. 

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Too many people thinking about the poor criminal who goes to jail rather than the victim that suffers and cannot get resonable retribution

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Terry, there is no retribution to compensate the mother of a friend who was attacked in her home by a casual odd job man. At 80 she was so frightened she wouldn't open the door to anyone other than people she knew and wouldn't go out.


The attacker got 5 years and was out in two and a half. She spent the remaining 15 years as a prisoner in her own home.

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Thats exactly my point

Did you see the news item about the piece of scum that is being supported by EU legal idiots

He stabbed a man, his wife and son to death on the eve of their daughters wedding and continuously raped a female guest all in the family home!


He got life with no chance of being let out ..... exactly what he deserved IMHO

But EU says its his against his human rights.

Wonder where the rights of the people he killed and abused disappeared to?


Just hang him?

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Terry, the case you're referring to is the chap a friend of mine found and arrested. My friend knew Hutchinson had been trained in the Army to live off the land. He reckoned he knew where he was dug in and just kept watch until he found and arrested him.


Agree he should be kept in for life. However, from what I read, it's because his original sentence wasn't a whole life sentence that he has the right to appeal. As he has a life sentence he will be let out on parole so he can be re-arrested as he leaves the prison and kept for another 30 years.  

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