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5/7 - Pass. Not bad...

Captain Colonial

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Didn't know about the kids in factories one, or the kiddies in 1944 one - must be my thing about keeping kids away from me. :d

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Used to loath history lessons at school (once into the O level stream the teachers we had taught it in a very dry, dusty "here's a list of dates" to memorise fashion. My memories always been bad, I hated it!)


Scraped 4/7 should have been 5, but for some reason ignored what I knew about the German Navy, Doh! :bangshead:

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3/7.    It's always the foreigners that do better than us indigenous people.     Go to the top of the class Scott.

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whoops 1

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Didn't know about the Jewish extra name requirement and got that wrong, but I now feel educated and enlightened!

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Not a clue about the names being added to the Jewish people

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Not the quiz, I can't find it on the page. It says to expand the grey box but there isn't a grey box to expand.

Oh, hang on, HM has it on her laptop, back soon

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We just did the quiz hm has found. 4/7 but guessed all of them. However it's not the same quiz and is dated 13th August.

Bored now, going to clean more tiles

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Too hot to clean tiles. I'm using wire wool and soapy water. Get the tile clean but if I don't rinse it with hose straight away it just dries dirty.


Got the quiz on my PC, and got 4/7. There were two questions I should have got right had I thought about them. The German Air Force, I knew they were allowed a Navy. And I should have guessed the Jewish name question right but I'd never heard of it before.

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Knew 4, guessed 1, clueless 2 = umm 9, no 11 .. .. 5!

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