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whay are we accomidating them


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just heard on signal radio of a new massive traveller site in stoke on trent , what I cant understand is they bring nothing but grief and agro to community's and buisnesses  so why the chuff are we going out of our way to accomidate them when nobody wants them ,its so screwed up its unreal this country , we seem to be making more and more sites so more and more will come over ,when will the government and local councils learn nobody wants them

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ah but they are a minority with rights init ...


we really are run by idiots ..

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Do you know, I keep saying that.

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It,s because they have good lobbyists who have convinced the hand wringers that they are just the same as any other persecuted group in history and open to racism.

The truth is that unlike most groups they have contributed nothing to the country they now demand helps them. They have systematically avoided paying tax, they have evaded the law on so many occasions and yet they act like victims.

We cannot nor should want to eradicate them, but perhaps we should build sites everywhere with the basics and then make it illegal to trespass on anywhere that is not a recognised site with immediate police action to get them off. And make then pay every night they are there, we could then keep a tab on them for other reasons.

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Jeff, why should we build sites when we know they won't pay.


Maybe others should claim to be a persecuted group and refuse to pay tax and rates.

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Don't you just love a well reasoned argument, cogent, succinct and bristling with facts

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Don't you just love a well reasoned argument, cogent, succinct and bristling with facts 




We've done that. It doesn't help as no one is listening.

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If there were sites they would have no excuse as to having nowhere to stay. They could then be forced to conform and pay otherwise we could take immediate action as we cannot at the moment.

Otherwise what is the alternative? We cannot jail them all,we cannot sterilise the so they die out, so do we do nothing?

In the scale of things I expect they are a small problem to. The system but a huge thron in the side of the populous who do pay their ways.

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Some years ago when the government of the day legislated that sites must be provided for these people, Buckinghamshire County Council set up a number of sites in the county complete with toilet blocks and hard standings. One such site off the Amersham Road between that town and Beaconsfield had all the plumbing fittings stolen in very short order and the toilet blocks virtually destroyed. Why would you wreck what has been provided for your convenience? ???

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We've done that. It doesn't help as no one is listening.

Oops, I must have missed it so careful hidden amongst the rants :-)

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Surely we have them in the UK because we allow them to stay for free. I don't see them in France, the Gendarme would just come into the site and smash them and the vans up. 

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Surely we have them in the UK because we allow them to stay for free. I don't see them in France, the Gendarme would just come into the site and smash them and the vans up. 

I think they are in France.  A few months ago I was driving near Calais on the autoroute and overtook a long chain of maybe 50 lorries and transits etc towing caravans.


They were all French registered.  Looked they were going to a gathering.  Either that or France were evicting them and they were heading for uk ;-)

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I can only speak for my area. Never seen any here. But I do know the Gendarmes smashed up a camp and a few heads on the Brittany coast a few years ago.

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