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memories of the 1970"s and 80"s


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Remember at least half!  :o I think I remember pretty much all of them. (Three or four sort of looked familiar, but couldn't completely place)


Feel old now.  :down:  But that song/video always makes me strangely happy  :yes:  :d 

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My kids will remember all of them.


It all passed me by as I was working too long.

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Vast majority of those (barring the soap opera references).


Only yesterday my eldest asked why the phone in our bedroom had a string tied to it!  I think it's the only corded phone he's seen!  :laugh:

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Love that, "why has it got a string tied to it" 


I wonder what the kids of today would say if they saw a TV with a 9" 405 line screen.

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Yeah, 100% score, I showed my grandchildren an old dial phone when having a clear out recently, they poked their fingers in the holes and could not understand how it worked, I explained you had to stick your finger in and turn it clockwise to the bar and wait for it to turn back for every number and explained it would work without  batteries/electricity/router/wifi. Before the magic dial telephone you just picked up the phone and asked a nice lady to get the number for you and when you rang some one they made an effort to answer it. 

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Before the magic dial telephone you just picked up the phone and asked a nice lady to get the number for you 





How old are you Iain, 120?

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50's for me, I was a teenager in the 60's, but I don't remember it :)

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50's for me, I was a teenager in the 60's, but I don't remember it :)

Ha Ha yes, was a bit of a blurr for me too, something to do with Watney's Party sevens.

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No Norman, but it feels like it some mornings even though I am an energetic 70 plus and recently beat my children and 7 grandchildren  ( under 13 ) in a beach race which surprised me even more than them.

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You're a bit older than me then. I couldn't walk along the beach let alone race!


Bernie, It was Watney's Red Barrel for me, in a pub. I reckoned if I was old enough to work and pay tax I was old enough to go in pubs - at 15. That beer was awful and, if I remember correctly, was single handed responsible for CAMRA campaigning for real ale. 

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Red Barrel, yes the same stuff was in the Party Seven's.   Went to the pub Friday lunchtimes with my mates when I was 16 and still at school, one day the English teacher came in the pub and caught us there, bought us another pint - hic, was my favourite teacher for ever more. Laws and rules were very flexible back then.  Couldn't do that now.

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Back in the 70s I used to visit Watney Mann ( Red Barrel ) on business somewhere up the Mile End Road. There was a bar in the cellar and beer there  was free to staff and visitors but you were only allowed halves, but as many as you liked. Manys  the afternoon I have driven home s**t faced over Tower Bridge on the way home after a session there, pre breathalyser I hasten to add.   

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