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Is business that good.

Norman Verona

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Pantherman. This is a friend of ours. He joint owned it when at Uni and then bought the other half. I got the exhaust ring inserts fitted, the head decoked and valves ground in. A new front wheel rim and a new speedo drive. That was about 2 years ago. He's recently bought a Triumph, the newer one with the Japanese engine, is it Suzuki?



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Tyson, I know, I think it's mad but mabe pot and kettle.


When I was a kid most people in our block of flats had bikes or nothing. I was the first in our family to get a car in 1964. I watched as the bikes changed to Ford Populars and Morris Minors in the early sixties. "You've never had it so good" - SuperMac was right.

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Just to report one did answer yesterday and they will get my business. 

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