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Bitter aftertaste


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Have to say I about choked on my drink this morning while on the main index and saw at the top, "Bitter aftertaste by Rusty Nuts"...

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Hot on the heels of norms apples I'm wondering if anyone can explain a bitter aftertaste I'm getting in my soup...

It's courgette and mint. Pretty easy really: soften onion and garlic; add a whole bunch of courgette. Soften these. Add stock (veg) mint and zest of lemon. Simmer, blitz, and eat.

So it's fine and the mint courgette gives a delicate flavour but then about 20 seconds later you get a quite bitter astringent aftertaste...

Any ideas? I was wondering if I got some seeds in with the mint (it was a bit old) or a bit of rind from the Lemon.

I could cure it with salt but I think it would destroy the main taste...

a bottle of magners will sort it wuv

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one of norms specials?? lol


cant abide the stuff steve but nice idea. probably the courgette skins as said. its better today after its had time to age a bit

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