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Well done Mo.

Norman Verona

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A truly great British athlete we should all be proud of.

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I'm sure he was born in Somalia...

Yes he's a British citizen and a British athlete. But not strictly "Truly British". Not removing his amazing ability or saying he shouldn't be praised. He's dedicated and an amazing athlete, family man and a inspirational figure. But Somalian born. I wonder when he moved to the uk, could be when he was an infant...

Ah, bit of google time has informed me that he is British educated and has spent all but a couple years of his life here. So yes, a truly great, British athlete. As said above, he is an inspirational figure! After his Olympic 5,000 win I remember well him pushing through the press and just wanted his family.

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Stephen, find me a true Briton. There aren't many, the vast majority of us are from immigrant stock.

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I'm a true Briton!


My mothers side of the family are truly British, her grandfather was Irish, apart from that her whole family lines can be pretty much traced back to the preserved cave man in cheddar gorge.

My father is a different story, Sicilian through and through. Still there! Lived in the uk for about 5 years and hated it.

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I'm sure he was born in Somalia...

Yes he's a British citizen and a British athlete. But not strictly "Truly British". Not removing his amazing ability or saying he shouldn't be praised. He's dedicated and an amazing athlete, family man and a inspirational figure. But Somalian born. I wonder when he moved to the uk, could be when he was an infant...

Ah, bit of google time has informed me that he is British educated and has spent all but a couple years of his life here. So yes, a truly great, British athlete. As said above, he is an inspirational figure! After his Olympic 5,000 win I remember well him pushing through the press and just wanted his family.

does it really matter when he "arrived" here

I was born in Nantwich but from welsh stock ,does that make me scottish

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So, Stephens grandfather x 2 is British, he came from Ireland.

Stephen, Britons are the people who are descendants of the folk who lived her when the Romans came.

I'm not sure who the first immigrants were, the Romans, Angles or Saxons.

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does it really matter when he "arrived" here

I was born in Nantwich but from welsh stock ,does that make me scottish

I believe that makes you a hybrid!

As edited in my first post, I was under the impression Mo was Somalian and had not been in the uk long. But that was uneducated and taking press and Facebook as a source of the information. Later research showed I was wrong and Mo is as British as most... I fact more British than most patients treated in the NHS!

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So, Stephens grandfather x 2 is British, he came from Ireland.

Stephen, Britons are the people who are descendants of the folk who lived her when the Romans came.

I'm not sure who the first immigrants were, the Romans, Angles or Saxons.

Going back even further I was watching s program discussing about DNA from from the start of homo-erectus and neanderthal coming from Africa and Europe/Asia then the two species inter breeding to develop modern man... So the "European man" has far more African DNA than your average UKIP patron would like to know!

Coming back to current times, he's more English than most of the English football team!

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The whole Welsh - English - Scottish thing doesn't mean much now outside of sport and politics. As far as genetics go Cornwall is as different as either and I'd have no doubt that white British Londoners are too.

My family regard themselves as Welsh. But my great x4 Grandad moved to South Wales from Shropshire and I was born in Surrey. My wife has Scottish heritage so we're slowly going for a full house.

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I started this in a light hearted way.

We should all be proud of the fact he wants to represent our great country!

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bl**** well done Mo

We are all a bit Heinz 57, some more than others!

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Irish, Scots, Welsh, Cornish and Bretons were all at the Celtic Folk Festival we went to in Lorient a few weeks ago. The Celts are not to be confused with the Britons.


I have no idea where he came from, I thought he was born here. I never see a persons colour, creed or religion. I judge people by how they act. Mo acts perfectly and runs rather well.

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