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Sprint Style Track Day


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For those interested in trying their cars out in a quasi-competitive environment, without going to the trouble of getting themselves an MSA competition licence, the following might be of interest.


It is a note from Ian Hamer of the Royal Air Force Motor Sport Association concerning a sprint style track day on Saturday 14th September at RAF Barkston Heath, near Grantham. "Barkston Heath" finds the location in Google Maps.


Hi David
Just a quick note to confirm some details
Date:  Saturday 14th September
Price:  £50 per driver, passengers go free, drivers only for timed laps
Circuit:  We have 3 options both clockwise and anticlockwise, decide on the day, weather does make a difference.
Timetable approx
830 - 915am :  gates open and sign on
9. 30am   breifing
10am       free practice for approx. 1 hr, then 2 timed runs for everybody.
11.30 ish Change the course and repeat above.
1pm to 1.45 lunch break
With another course change repeat above
Finish at 4pm ish which normally leaves 45 mins or so of free practice again.
Places are via pre booking to me by email.
There is an sprint event on the Sunday if people want to stay,  places are still available
Camping is available free of Charge, again please pre book.




I can vouch that the courses at Barkston are quite challenging  --  great fun, and not too much to hit. All very friendly. Usual track day rules apply: helmet + full covering to arms and legs.


The "event" on the Sunday is a little more serious, but still requires only a normal RTA driving licence.


If anyone is interested, please contact Ian at: brgcouriers@hotmail.com

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That looks like a great way to see how your car performa against others.


James  :yes:

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I am already booked in ,go every year ,its rhocar event and great fun for peanuts!

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I've been with Javelin  at Barston Heath  a couple times, it's even tighter than Blyton park threading your way through the poles. Good fun but a long way for me.

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Thanks for the heads up David


I've just booked, it'll be good practice for me :t-up:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I would refresh this as few people were interested whilst chatting at Donington yesterday.Its agreat day out and quite a challenge?


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I'm looking forward to it Paul :-)

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Will you be driving up or trailer?Could meet up as not far from you and ive been a few times Pm me if you wish

Regards Paul

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Will you be driving up or trailer?Could meet up as not far from you and ive been a few times Pm me if you wish

Regards Paul



I'll be going up Friday evening and camping ( well camper van ) and taking my car in the trailer. What about you ?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow what a great day, massive thanks to Ian Hamer @ RAFMSA for running this event  :t-up:


Not your usual track day but if like me you fancy a go at sprinting then this a a brilliant day.


It's basically one track,( 3/4 mile ) very challenging with tight twisty and long flowing fast corners, mostly with plenty of run offs and sprint style standing start ( with tyre warming if you like )


Three times during the day the track is altered to add some new challenges, with each track you have about an hours practice and then a couple of timed runs, results are posted outside race control for all to compare. :yes:


So I've had a great day, made some new friends, Paul ( black st ) and his mate Dave, thanks guys and all for £50  :t-up:


Anyone else fancy a go, these days are run monthly ( i think ) and I have all the contact details required for Ian, give it a go you'll have a cracking day out  :yes:

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Martin pleased that you enjoyed the day,Big thanks to Michelle for the tea,I owe you one mate for the gas

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Martin pleased that you enjoyed the day,Big thanks to Michelle for the tea,I owe you one mate for the gas



No problem Paul & the tea girl says your welcome also lol.  :d

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