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its hard being a parent sometimes


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bev drops willem (15)off at work with me this morning he's visibly upset so Is bev I ask whats wrong and he says his friend was killed last night , jesus **** what a ****ter , he's in pieces but wont go home so I figure its best keeping him busy today ,we had father son hugs for a while and had a few words  but what the chuff do you say

thoughts are with sams parents and family god only knows how they feel and what there going through ,I feel bad enough and willem is visibly in pieces

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Everyone has to cope with loosing someone sooner or later, but you do hope they'll be spared that particular experience for as long as possible. What a tragedy.

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What a shock for them all! Two or three of my children's peers died early; cancer mostly so it was no less tragic but not quite the shock of a sudden death. How did this happen Steve?

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What a shock for them all! Two or three of my children's peers died early; cancer mostly so it was no less tragic but not quite the shock of a sudden death. How did this happen Steve?

he lived on a farm just outside middlewich , willem says he was riding home on his bike alone  and was knocked off ,that's all I know

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:down:  That's just awful whichever way and from whatever angle you look at it.  It's always rough when youngsters find out they're not immortal.  OK, we all knew it, but we never gave it any thought until something like that happened - makes you grow up very fast, unfortunately.  Good job he's got an understanding father like you to give him support. :t-up:

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Thats bad mate. Just be there for him when he needs you

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Really sorry to hear that Steve, give Willem a hug from all of us.

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That is tragic my heart goes out to the lads parents , as said before Steve give your son all the comfort he needs and be there for him 

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Steve, sorry to learn of your son's loss. Remember children, as a whole, are very resilient, be there for him but allow in to grieve. I lost a close friend at a similar age (shot gun accident) and it was difficult for a while and still makes me sad when I look back. He will have ups and downs for a while, the funeral will be difficult, but he will come out of it at the other end. 

As others have said we all need to learn to deal with death and in reality we learn most and best when we are young.

It's going to be painful for him, hopefully to to painful and I hope it's not too stressful for you watching him going through the pain.

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Been through this more than once..not much you can say Steve just be there when the lad needs you. Hugs are good.

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All sound advice. Don't forget he needs his friends too though, and they need him.


So easy to imagine yourself in the grieving parents position, pull them him and pull up the draw bridge to keep him safe. But that's not how it should be, and not what's best for him.

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Steve, if it helps tell him we're all very sorry to hear that and he must be brave. It's OK to cry, even at 15. We have all cried at the loss of a dear friend.


I'm sitting here thinking "what would I have done if one of my kids lost a friend at 15". Truth is I wouldn't have known where to start.


Give him a big hug from all of us.

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Steve, What a tragedy for you and your's and the poor lad so cruelly taken at such a young age.  


Please accept all our sincere best wishes to Willem, you, Bev and Willem's friends family - what an absolute and utter terrible shame for a Son to be taken so young.  


May God bless him and he be at peace.


With heart felt best wishes,


James, Debbie, and family. xx

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thanks chaps , he has gone out to see his freinds tonight , we have had a few moments today where he was upset and we had to turn over radio stations as they kept reporting the accident and he said i dont want to listen about it anymore

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