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Travellers. A few questions.

Norman Verona

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One thing that has always confussed me,

why do they and the council use the term travellers to describe them, but insist on permenant traveller sites? Surely the Whole idea is to travel around, make a mess of some poor bu@@ers feild or land and then more on to the next victim.

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Echo that Rob, I do know some nice travellers and they are fine but like anything there are those that tarnish their reputation with the activity we know all too much about...

They didn't get rich by paying their taxes like the rest of us have to.


I think that the amount who are decent are few and far between.


In your case James, as I said they know the law inside out. Some of them will have top people on speed dial who can run rings around the local CPS and officers hence they are out in record time.


And yet when Farmer Martin shot those who were threatening his life, he was the one who went inside. Again the do gooders won and society lost.

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Just in case tales of "positive action" and daring do might encourage anyone to be stupid enough to actually try it, a cautionary tale.


While no doubt the traveller community is riven with splits, cliques and the usual divisions, when it comes down to it, they tend tto stand as one...


A lot of the lads that work on site round Manchester on the jobs we're on tend to come from the rougher parts. We've worked with the same faces for years, so while Id trust them implicitly, I also know some of the characters they grew up with and went to school with, now like to watch crime watch or the local news to see if they're on it!


We were talking about gypsies the other week. And one of the lads was telling us how another local lad to his home town had been broken into and a huge amount of monies worth of drugs taken. This lad I know by name and reputation, I know the police know him too and would love to have actual evidence linking him with a number of shootings and stabbings, (some fatal), in and around Greater Manchester. This lad is something of a big wheel in the local drugs scene and has done time, though never more than a few years at a stretch.


Naturally, I assumed, and said, "Jeez, what happened? Surely that's enough to trigger a war, it's not jut the money, it's the loss of face etc", (He's amongst the top few suppliers for that area).


No, he just had to sit back and take it. No waltzing into camp playing the hard man, or taking a pop at a few. In his words, "they're like rats, no matter how many you take down, more come out of the sewers after you, and I've got family". So everyone, even the other local drug lads just seem to be ignoring it and pretending it didn't happen.


Meanwhile the travelers responsible just laugh and sell his gear back to his punters, cheap.

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