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Travellers. A few questions.

Norman Verona

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The Beeb is full of travellers being evicted from a site - again.


The travellers spokesman says this is not the correct approach and the councils should provide more legal sites.


So, can someone explain:


1) do the travellers pay the councils for staying on these legal sites.

2) do the councils have a legal obligation to provide sites for travellers 

3) why can't the travellers stay on Caravan Club sites? Is it because they'll stay too long or are they too expensive?

4) if the CC sites are too expensive but otherwise they could stay on them why should ratepayers provide sites.



Is this another example of Britain following rules to the letter at the disadvantage to everyone else?

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I suspect but dont know for sure that joe public ( excluding the p...ys) foot the bill as we do already for NHS and schooling for their kids etc

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and 'we' the taxpayers foot the bill for clearing up the disgusting mess they leave behind when they evetually f*ck off somewhere else :angry:

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Right then in simple terms



1) do the travellers pay the councils for staying on these legal sites.

    No, they do not pay for staying at a legal site, they would be obliged (however very rarely do) pay if they are at a permanent travellers site e.g. one with fixed abodes not for caravans

2) do the councils have a legal obligation to provide sites for travellers 

    No they do not have, travellers only have rights to stay on land for three days, and only if they managed to get a jockey wheel down before anybody complains ..  If anybody complains before the jockey wheel touches down then they can be asked to move immediately if the police arrive before its down then they are gone.

3) why can't the travellers stay on Caravan Club sites? Is it because they'll stay too long or are they too expensive?

   I would guess because they are owned by Joe Public, and most people do not want them in their backyard

4) if the CC sites are too expensive but otherwise they could stay on them why should ratepayers provide sites.

   See above I'd guess



Is this another example of Britain following rules to the letter at the disadvantage to everyone else?

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As far as I know they pay to stay on council sites, as they would on other commercial sites. Many owners discourage them by size of caravan or by being pulled by a commercial vehicle.


As for providing sites, the council have to have so many, if not they can pull up on the road side. Councils have provided more sites but the number of 3.142keys has increased.


In Bristol the council wanted to build one at Avonmouth, but there was an outcry as apparently the air was full of chemicals, they were okay for those who owned houses down there but not the caravan dwellars.


They pay no tax, they obey few laws and if caught move on.


The thing that p******** me of the most was in two places in the Bristol area, people tried to build a home on a piece of land. After years of trying they sold out to keys, they moved on mobile homes, the type that comes in two halves and in one of the sites made a lovely job of walls and grounds. The other they threw it up with nothing else.


The council objected and it went through the courts until John Prescott in his last position before becoming a Lord, over rode the wishes of the elected memebers and the planning department and allowed them to stay. That is what is wrong, we bend every rule for them and they contribute nothing whilst taking everything.


Some of the do gooders still think they go around in a horse drawn carriage selling lucky heather and reading palms cleaning up where they stay, a bit like smelly wombles, but the truth is so far from that.


But never underestimate them, they are clever and know the law and use it for their own ends, they are organised and ruthless.

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we had the pikies move in on our village hall , local boys from saw mill ,told them if they didnot move there would be tree trunks  all round every caravan and you wont even be able to open your caravan doors they moved on

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As I said, it sounds like our elected representatives go out of their way to use our money for something we do not want. 


When will we learn. I despair at the state our electors have allowed our country to get into.


Don't blame the travellers, don't blame the council, don't blame the government, look in the mirror and ask yourself how long you're going to put up with this nonsense and everything done to save money so much so that we do not get the services we pay for or deserve.



OK, I don't really feel better but at least I said it.




True story. No names for obvious reasons. Person moves into a pub as the the new owner. That night he leaves his trailer in the pub car park because the garage is full. Next morning it's gone. He asks about in the pubs in a certain quarter of the city. He is told the gypsies have it on their camp site. 


He goes home and comes out wearing a long, straight leather coat. He looks like his wallet (thanks Spike)


He drives to the Gypsy camp and walks into the middles. He calls out "I want the headman here - NOW". Every caravan has a group in front of it, from one emerges the head man. He walks over to the man who looks like a wallet. The man leans forward and says in a very quiet voice "that's my trailer over there, if it's not back in my pub car park in an hour me and my two friends will come and sort this out". The head man glances round to see if he can see the two friends. No one else is about. He laughs and tells this man to go away. From the two pockets of his long coat the man draws two pistols which he holds against the head mans temples and again leans forward and says in a very quiet voice, "meet my two friends".


The head man calls out "Peter, Sean, take that trailer back, now".


The wallet about turns, gets in his car and leaves. The trailer was delivered 5 minutes after he got back.

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It is becoming more of a temptation to keep "2 friends" like that these days :d

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You can borrow mine if you really need them  :)

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I hear they called a tree surgeon to help remove them from the site too...

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Topical post this.  there have been 2 arrests made for our robbery this week when they cam back for the chippers and my truck... we were tipped off so I was at the barn in readiness with a "friendly police alsation"... 2 charged but no kit back.


Its a troubled place where the Police know who do the robbing, I know who does the robbing, they do the robbing in their own vehicle, get caught in the act, get arrested and are then bailed 5 hours later to go an rob someone else...


Sad to say but i'm glad i'm selling up.

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I'm sad to hear you're selling up.

Mrs C said that if it was me in your position then I'd been arrested for chopping up caravans with a chain saw... If not people.

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I would cut them up if I had a chainsaw to cut em up with... strimming them to death isnt quite the same.  I've still got a leaf blower but I'm not going there......  I'm sure my chainsaws will be on Channel 4 by end of the year when " now Tommy does some lopping and topping".... with his unqualified and un-insured family before they wheel the old dear to a cash point to extort 000's of pounds.... :angry:

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hi all the local gipseys I now are quite well off , and I went to school with them and I trust them its wot they call kakers that are the bad ones

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Echo that Rob, I do know some nice travellers and they are fine but like anything there are those that tarnish their reputation with the activity we know all too much about...

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