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Hello boys and girls i'm a newbie!


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Just thought i would say hi, I've just signed up. I've got a 1990 westfield sei with a straight cut type 9 box and a toyota 1600 20v engine. I'm not a jap man as i have always run fords but i am very impressed with the engine. I'm looking for a full cage for it, can other kit car cages be fabricated to fit? Is there say a caterham model that nearly fits? Thanks in advance. 

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Hello and welcome, there are several companies other than Westfield that do cages not sure about other makes of kit car though. Not too sure about a nearly fit with something like a cage it might nearly save your life!!! think I would have a look around and find one custom made to fit the Westfield.

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Welcome to the Club,


You are a rare breed living in Lincs. ( North or South )


I am sure it will be a great source of help and information to you.




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Welcome  :t-up:


There are plenty of options for your cage. A quick search on these very forums will find something and I'm sure someone will be along with more info.


There's a couple of Areas near you (http://www.wscc.co.uk/local.htm) worth a run out to one of thier meets  :d

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Plays-Kool, one of our WSCC Traders, do full cages for both narrow and wide body versions.  Check the Sponsors and Traders Area in the boardroom, there's a link in there to them, and they're also based in the North East.


Oh, and welcome on board! :)


EDIT: Here you go

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Hello and welcome.

Although there are too few 'girls' driving Westies.

Although SWMBO is trying to encourage others!

There might be many that drive like Girlz!

Ducks behind cover!!!!! ;-D

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Hi, welcome aboard!

I'm curious about how well the Toyota engines work in westfield's. not common, but never heard anything bad about them.

As for the cage, there's not much advice I can give, but I have seen adverts for custom built cages and known people have their own fabricated. As for track regulations and legality... Again, nothing I can offer. But I'd agree with Plays kool being the first place to look... Used them myself for thing s and never an issue. A poorly fitting or poorly made cage is worse then a well fitted roll bar.

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Welcome, you'll find plenty of advice forthcoming. I can't help cause I'm one of those girls who drives an aero screened car.

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Hi there - you would be very welcome to cone in and join in the fun with us lot around the Peterborough area :-)

Just drop me a pm if you like

Enjoy your motor

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Welcome, have fun in your car - is it Roger Donoghue's car?



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Welcome to the mad house :)

I may not be too far from you depending where in lincs you live. I have the plays-kool cage and your welcome to have a look at it.


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Great replies chaps, irl keep a lookout 4 a cage, not spendin owt on the westy until I have sold my track car! Im based in east lincs near horncastle, is there a meet 4 the lincs region monthly or anything?

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I understand that the Lincs area meets stopped about 2 years ago ( I believe they held their meeting near Market Rasen ).

There was a Westfield for sale in Horncastle last year, but I think mine is now the only car in this area.



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