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Westfield World Copy Deadline Reminder!

Captain Colonial

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The deadline to have your pearls of wisdom ready and submitted for the glorious Autumn 2013 issue of Westfield World is Friday 16th August, or just 15 days from now, so please get cracking in the periods when it's raining between the sunny spells.  Thanks! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

BTTT - copy deadline is this Friday!  We're light on technical stuff especially this month, but all contributions gratefully received, please write it up and get it in by Friday -thanks. :)

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Working on one over lunch!

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sorted over the weekend - just sorting pics

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CDR burnt and ready to post. Area report plus a stab at another article. :yes:

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Just out of curiosity

When were the last ones released

I havent had any this year :-(

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Just after Stoneleigh, it covered March, April & May.

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Just out of curiosity

When were the last ones released

I havent had any this year :-(


Hiya Steve


If you'll recall, your membership lapsed in early January, and you re-joined in mid-June, so you missed the Spring and Summer mailing lists, unfortunately. :(


You are on the curent mailing list, however, and the next mag should be out in early September. :)

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