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jeff oakley

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So on the newst today a committee of MP's has concluded that accidents are down but whiplash claims are up. It amounts to an extra £90 on every single policy to pay for those who claim and the bloodsucking no win no fee shisters that operate in the are.


But they have concluded that 60% are spurious claims. Well let me tell them, they are wrong that figure is nearer 90%.


Every time anyone runs into one of my drivers, they are off for two days without exception. This is because one individual was told by his advisor that to maximise the payments you need to be off work for at least two day. He got £4000 for an accident that just touched the back of the van. None of them get less than £2000.


Every claim should be refuted and any that are found the be fraudulant then put them in the dock. Until we treat this as the criminality that it is we will see us paying out too many times.


We now have cameras in all our vans and they have saved us from many spurious claims for various reasons so far, the latest being one of our driver forced the other driver of the road damaging his alloy wheel. It never happened and when told we had camera footage his claim was dropped. I would have reproted him to the police but seeing as we could not get them to take action after somone drove through the wall of our building in Luton, this was a none starter.




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I was hit from behind while stationary on the M6 by a woman doing nearly 60mph, ended up as a five-car smash - no time off work, no injury claim by me, only injury was my knuckles were skinned when the radio flew out of the dash.  Would love to see the number of whiplash injuries reported pre- and post-injury vampire lawyers.

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Can someone remind me who started the "no win-no fee" culture.

It is getting better. An ex friend of mine was "tapped" in the rear at roundabouts when he moved forward then stopped. This happened twice in 3 weeks.

He went to his doctor who told him he had to have 2 weeks off work. He went to solicitor who told him he could claim and sent him to hospital for tests. The hospital report showed he had a compressed spine. The lawyer concluded he couldn't ever work again (he was a building society manager) and the claim could amount to millions.

She even told him if he needed any work doing around the house, like painting, to get a firm in and claim the cost.

In the event the insurance companies had him medically checked and concluded his spine wasn't injured in either accident, it was just age related.

He got nothing.

Now, if they spent a few bob on all claims for minor accidents for 6 months or so it would stop. It's only because they pay out so easily that it goes on.

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My daughter was nudged in a queue onto a roundabout by a young couple in a mini.  Miss FBB's car is a 2002 Ford Ka, not the most robust of vehicles and the damage extended to a dent in the front wing that didn't break the paint and was about 20mm diameter and maybe 2mm deep.  Yep, the two thieving unscrupulous caniving workshy ba*****ds claimed for whiplash.......

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Yup its a whole new industry driven by get rich quick lawyers and solicitors  


C£500,000 in solicitors fees alone for the recent moors murderer court case , these are the fat barstewards we should be looking into IYAM

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My wife had a minor parking claim, she had phone calls urging her to make an injury claim for weeks after.

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Shall I???

I shall!

I was rear ended at traffic lights. I forgot "Rule 3" when lights turn red the next three cars can pass through. I was hit hard, I stopped by time accelerating merc m class used me as a brake! I was in the Robin Hood and had no high level brake light, my reason for them hitting me. As I got out the car they reversed, dragging Robin Hood back (spare wheel holder well and truly in the rad) they had to stop, blamed me... Long story short, drove off in the end, I got photo's, reg came back as a Nissan micra! Not traced, I had CT scan and three days off work while checked over. Not a penny claimed as not my fault and as untracked/uninsured car it would be my insurance that would suffer.

A few months later I sold my S2000 and picked up my westfield. On the way home I had a mother with three screaming kids pull across my right of way while turning right and ripped front end off my car, I'd done 47 miles since parting with a large amount of cash! Well CT scan again and no time off work. That was June 2011 (I think) last month my insurance company sent me a letter as third party insurance were taking me to court over repair/courtesy car costs!!! But I received countless phone calls from no win no fee! So took the £2800 I was offered to just leave it. That got me FIA roll bar, good adjusted and other bits on the car.

Next was driving by winson green prison, 500yds passed junction with Robin Hood and had a corsa slam brakes on for no reason. Being a sensible driver I stopped 3 feet from their back end. Two guys in late teens/early 20's came out rubbing their necks shouting at me for hitting their car and being stupid. My car was still far enough away to walk between the cars. They got aggressive and told me they would call insurance unless I give them a grand. I rather in politely told them where that comment was going then asked if they wanted real injuries, I got out of the car, they got in their car and drove off.

I was at traffic light controlled cross roads behing a Picasso, had a golf on opposite side of road take a right hand turn into the side of me and was very apologetic and didn't want me to go through insurance as he only had his car three days (brand spankers) after his car before was written off, by him, and his insurance excess was £5k! So gave me £2k, cash, and paid westfield all repair costs.

Had other incidents in Birmingham, however these examples cover all angles!

Also know a girl that reversed into someone coming out of a parking space... Barely touched them and they claimed for a brand new bumper, respray and whiplash with time off work.

Know another girl who was side swiped by a polish lorry driver (him at fault) who although was stopped by police and on CCTV at fault, it took three years to get money for her car repair and took no whiplash. Same girl was on a hill, at traffic lights, handbrake on, car in front rolled into her... Blamed her and said she hit him! No damage to his car, scuff on her (just repaired) car and he went whiplash! She had so many issues driving in Birmingham she just sold her car and gave up.

Run over crossing a pedestrian crossing (again forgot rule 3 and cars have right of way), still receiving physio and waiting on another operation 10 months after incident, lost career and list goes on... But compensation will basically control what happens with my life once recovered and removed from military service. Mrs C's been driven into and run over in Birmingham too and going through the claims procedure due to loss of wages and injury.

I now know why insurance here is so high and why 21yr olds with a £500 corsa are lucky if their insurance is under £2,500! I've seen so many false claims come through A&E, wards and GP offices. It's actually far more for an insurance company to challenge a claim, compared to just paying out and no win/no fee companies are well aware of this and are bandits for all the phone calls I still get relating to each of my incidents!!!

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Bernie, of course the "get rich quick" lawyers are going to make as much as they can. The law says they can.

It's not them at fault but the politicians who, in order to cut the legal aid bill, allowed the lawyers free reign and now it costs us all a lot more in higher insurance costs.

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Why are we surprised when everywhere we look we see human nature at work?...


Insurance companies have no interest in fighting claims, because their profits are a percentage of premiums, they were criticised by  a committee of MP's for their actions driving premiums up...


Whiplash claimants pulled in by claims company adds - money to be made all round...


Recent years have seen that nobody is immune from greed,  MPs of all parties, all of our big name companies, bankers , energy companies manipulating prices, it is a long long list.  Becoming difficult to identify anyone that isn't jut out for what they can get, screw morality, ethics, the law.....


what faith in human nature?


Add to that an ever growing list of cases of deaths, neglect and abuse at the hands of people entrusted with caring for those in need,  I despair for the world we leave our children,  I really do.

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Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata".[
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Human nature is shocking now. Only Saturday I caught the bad end of it again!

Girl in late teens sat at end of someone's drive for 45 mins, directly opposite my house. So I couldn't not see her while chilling out in my living room. I waited another 30 mins, really sunny day and hot. So I walked out my house, crossed the road and asked if she wanted a cup of tea, cold drink and a snack "I have cookies, crisps and stuff like that" I also offered waiting in my garden, in the shade. A little worried she looked back and declined. I walked back. She was there for another hour before someone turned up, about an hour later the door bell rings and I have a rather upset man yelling at me...

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Or, more briefly: "'Scuse me, while I kiss the sky..."

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Or, more briefly: "'Scuse me, while I kiss the sky..."


Clicky :d and Clucky


One for our Norman :d



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Not forgetting the SteveD classic... :laugh:

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