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New widened M1 Motorway Luton to Milton Keynes


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On Sunday there was a car broken down between J11 and J10 on the uphill section.


As I passed he was on his on trying to push it the few car lengths needed to get into the 'safety' bay.  He was half pushing and half looking over his shoulder.


Once passed in my rear view mirror all I could see was cars and lorries swerving last minute to avoid him.


I think use of hard shoulder is not a good idea and as this instance illustrates should certainly not be used on an uphill section where a car can't coast to the refuge area.


I also have strong views on all these 50mph restricted zones.  The slower speed may reduce the severity of an accident but it seems to me that the grouping up of the cars seems to massively increase the likelihood.


If I was roads minister I would increase speed limit to 100mph so people won't then sit in the middle lane at 70mph, I would limit lorries to the inside lane other than quiet periods and get some decent motorway patrol cars out there to enforce driving standards.

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Clive it's no longer an offence to undertake in moving traffic. It was abandoned for this very reason.


I suspect it's more motorways we need not more lanes. 

if you conduct a maneuver (change lanes) to overtake on the inside then yes it is illegal. if you are already in a lane that happens to be moving faster than an outside lane then your ok. highway code 268

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XTR, that last action is the route of the problem.


Withdrawal of motorway patrols and subsequent handing it to VOSA goes back to Blair. He was briefed that the mobile phone companies were going to disable stolen phones. In those days people were being mugged in the street for their phones. So Blair announces he's demanded the mobile companies do something to stop the muggings and had been assured action was imminent. In the event the phone companies pointed out this would take two years to implement not a few days.


So the Home Office demanded Chief Constables get men out of motorway patrols and on to the beat to have a street presence and cut down on the muggings. Most of these chaps left the force.




Seem familiar, has Cameron done the same with the internet porn sites? Probably.

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Phil, however the proof to charge a driver with an offence means the patrols (That I know/knew) will not prosecute.

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if they want to improve the roads and ease their use they would do better investing in public transport and maybe offering businesses incentives for sourcing local people that do not need to use a car.

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You mean like Sheffield City Council who had restrictions on new office car park sizes.


This was great until the bus fare subsidy was found to be illegal and then we had huge traffic jams and cars parked all over the place.

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