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Went for a ride in this yesterday.


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Ooooooh not sure about that!! Think I would rather have my wheels on the ground.

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Lovely, bet that kept you cool.

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Actually it was proper hot. It has doors that you close before take off.

I got to fly it for a while once we were up. Different than i expected.

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Yeah spotted the gull wing doors, looks like it's a bit cosy with them shut though.

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Is it a kit/home build or a regular production plane?


Does look kinda fun!

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I have a customer who builds his own planes. As soon as he's finished one and been up in it a few times he starts the next and sells the first.


I think he like the build as much as the flying.


Now where have we heard that before.

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Blimey! That's a short runway! :d

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It's a factory built plane. Ultra light class so is in the same class as a microlight.

Runway is gavel.

Apparently you can learn to fly one with 15 hours of flying.

Oh and it's very cosy once the doors are closed. It was pushing 40 degrees. Mind you the outside temp was about 34 (Spain)

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Not for me sorry

I used to hang glide but kept misjudging my landing (or crashing as most witnesses called it)


I now know my limits now :)

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Not for me sorry

I used to hang glide but kept misjudging my landing (or crashing as most witnesses called it)


I now know my limits now :)


:o :o :o :o


Landing's not something you can really work out by trial and error. :down:


Interesting to watch though, :d;)

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The one tip I would give is if your going to crash and you have a choice between

A :- a field full of cows or

B :- a field full of sheep

Choose the field with sheep in and shout a lot (cows don't move) :( :( :( :(

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Ah, but wouldn't wooly sheep give a cushioned landing?   :)

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