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mmmm an hour of heaven


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sat here having a cider watching nigella , no idea what she is on about or even what she's doing





hmmmmmm dribble

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She's available soon, Steve, Nigella gets a quickie divorce from the 'Knightsbridge Strangler' in a few weeks time.  I'm not sure she realises that she's in love with you yet, but give it time!!  :laugh:

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One for later, Steve:


Note Risqué language, may not be appropriate in certain circumstances.


Edited by gadgetman - Dave Eastwood
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Think it must be an age think, but Nigela doesn't get me going at all. I am also enjoying a cold cider though

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That's one less competition for me

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:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  Seen it before, but so cleverly done, worth watching again!

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She's mine I tell you, I have her cookbook and could have a go at her floury baps anyday :d  :t-up:

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"Hold it away from me...  and set fire to it!"



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Same as Matt B,

Must be age thing.

But the video is quite amusing, seen that kinda thing before, but this one doe work very well!

Also, Cider??? This whole cider craze has hit off last few years. Never been a drink I can sit back and enjoy. Always used to be home brew things back home in Devon that people would swipe off their parents and get wrecked for free!

But not sure it's related. I just don't like the taste and I've tried many of the branded stuff and fashionable stuff, along with stuff out of cellar's along A38 between Exeter and Plymouth at £5 a half gallon or £8 a gallon. Sweet one end, dry the other... 12 barrels. You're given a plastic glass, told to try as many as you want and get one. I went in, tried about 7... Then thought "I'm driving!!!" So found a local country walk and somewhere to eat for a few hours! A taste was half a plastic cup, so I must of had 3 pints and the dry ones were pretty lethal!

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If your really thirsty, like driving a 7 which is reading 95c on the gauge and it's 35c outside you could sink a pint of dry cider without it touching the sides. If the super markets were open I'd go and get some.

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