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DH Mosquito


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We have one in the Nanton bomber command museum being restored, it will never fly but just to have one and see it being brought back to exhibition condition will be awesome.

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Will be shown 8pm on Sunday 21st July - that's THIS Sunday :yes:


The Mosquito is the last plane listed in my Dad's logbook, his CO took him on a jolly over to Norway and back just after VE Day :t-up:

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Looks like a 'Must See' to me.  A truly remarkable aircraft  and the story of how the last airworthy Mossie was restored is a real labour of love.  I've seen the before and after pictures and you wouldn't believe it was possible with a plywood aircraft.  

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My favourite WW2 aircraft! I'm sure you're meant to like a Spitfire or Lancaster but these just do it for me. I like to story of the attack on the prison (at Amiens I think?).

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Start saving your pennies, Matt.  As I understand it, the company in New Zealand that rebuilt KA114 (the last airworthy aircraft) had to make a complete set of jigs to rebuild this one, so there is every chance that more brand new Mosquitos will be built in the future.


I'll take two, please!!! :d  :d

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If I'm going to collect aircraft I'd have to own an A-10 Thunderbolt too. That's number 2 on my list. A Vulcan would now seem an impossibility.

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Dear Santa,


I'd also like a P-51 Mustang, a P-38 Lightning, a Corsair and a F-4 Phantom please.


I've not been a good boy, but will happily take out anyone you like. :devil:

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Brilliant plane, remember 633 squadron :d

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I'd offer the same deal but I believe A-10 Thunderbolts are only good for blowing up your own troops!

I lived next door to a 'warthog' pilot a few years back at Lossiemouth.  The thing was designed to fly after most of it had been shot away, IIRC you could lose half of each wing and an engine and  it would still be flying.  Pilot sat in a titanium tub while all this was going on.


 I think Cherry could use one of these for getting across  Birmingham. :d

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They have something to 500kg of armour plating on them. The cannon has to be the most impressive part though. Looks like it could stall the aircraft it's that ferocious. Has to now be one of the most featured aircraft in apocalypse / post-apocalypse films too. Terminator Salvation and World War Z both had them in.

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Heard an A-10 firing once, at an air display, while I was living in Germany. There's a sound that will live with me till my dying day.

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