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Weather, or not!

Norman Verona

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BBC weather report has just shown the jet stream has moved from the French Spanish border back to going over the top of Scotland.


Hence the good weather.


Just as we're having a thunder storm right overhead. Expect a power cut any minute.


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enjoy norm !!

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We did have a power cut for a minute or so. Then the gas ran out in the gite.


What next?


I'm enjoying it.

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I love a good thunderstorm. My wife and I were talking about them a couple of evenings ago and don't recall anything significant since c.2006. Coincidently I saw that was the last time we officially had a heat wave.

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We have them on a regular basis. Not actually overhead but because the valley is so large we can see them at night when they're too far away to hear. When they do move and go overhead it's really awesome.


Our four day detailed forecast with a further 7 days HERE

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Norm , Jet stream has  been back up north where it belongs for the past 2 weeks now ,do please try to keep up  :t-up:

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I'm sorry, no one told me.

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BBC weather report has just shown the jet stream has moved from the French Spanish border back to going over the top of Scotland.


Hence the good weather.


Yet the BBC weather more often than not, shows the weather up here in Scottsville as many degrees cooler than other parts of the UK .. must be a default setting in their system ie "It's Scotland, so it MUST be colder" .. reported weather for yesterday: 22c, actual: 29c! Today reported: 14c (yes, 14c!!), actual: 20c


We've never had it so good! :t-up: But please spare a thought for my ginger friends .. I'll be setting up a fund to raise money for supplies of sun block 500 in a separate thread! :p

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Bombero, I've been told that the borders is the driest place in the uk.

Richard who lived here moved to Newcastleton, on the border. He said it hardly rained.

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He's absolutely right .. although Newcastleton is almost still England tell him (the locals love it when you tell 'em that!)

And to think, we were bailing oot the westys at Applecross at the end of June!

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Richard built up a very active Borders Area for L7C. His right hand man owned a Westfield (and an Elise). The then chairman of the L7C told him it wasn't allowed to have anyone but Caterham 7 owners at the Area Meets. Richard had a real argument with him and the committees link to the AO's .


After Richard died the Westfield owner took over and nothing seemed to have been said. I've no idea if they're still going. If so you'd all be very welcome, I'm sure.

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Amazingly small world, Norman .. the chap who's taken over is Neville Mackay and he still has his Westfield (unsure about the Elise) and he still organising blats ., but it may not be for the L7C as the group call themselves the Borders7s!

We (WSCC - Scottish region) met Richard's wife at Neville's annual charity BBQ. Neville speaks very highly of Richard. The Caterham boys, well all but one, have made us very welcome at joint blats!

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If you see him again, give him my regards. He and his wife have been here on holiday for a week in the Elise.

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