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Too hot for a fur coat

Captain Colonial

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Sophie, the other Westie in my life, and in common with every other dog in the country right now, has been looking for ways to cool down.  However, she also is a bit of a hippy and loves to explore the garden and smell (and eat) the flowers.  So when she was MIA yesterday afternoon, I went into the garden and in the shady part, I found this:




"I like flowers - so what?"




Hoping your animals are staying cool in this heat wave as well. :)

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Father in law has to German shepherds, one's traditional colouring, the other's "Blue". The blue one has very long and thick fur. They get walked by a river or pond (depending on direction taken) most days and the blue one got in the pond and just stood there for about 20 mins. They couldn't get him to move!

When home a bucket of water was filled to give them a wash...


Every time they approached him there was a raised lip and a bit of a rumble...

Out on my daily 8-12 mile walk I've seen loads of RSPCA vehicles going around car parks. I was informed (by a friend) that if there is an animal left in a hot car they will break the window, remove the animal and leave a note.

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Ours tends to lie in the sun as much as she can, then pants like hell and refuses to drink. Stupid thing.



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My dog won't lie in the sun. She says it's too hot and she sits in the kitchen watching films on her laptop.

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Ambulance booked for Mr Verona...


(And blacksmith to get the dent out of the frying pan)

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OK, another injury on its way.


Scott, your little dog looks so lovely, I bet he melts your heart just looking at him. Gorgeous sounds like a good description.

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Can we include cats?


Here he is now.

I have been poking home to check he's alive the past few days. Stays there motionless for hours... Different spots depending on the shade.

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Oh, wife's auntie's dog


Splashes the water and tries catching the drops of water in the air.

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Here's Pippa The Pooch - A Bearded Collie.  Clearly inappropriately dressed for this unexpectedly warm weather.  She's moved into the shade under the conifer hedge at the bottom of the garden where she can keep a bit cooler, but still check out the passing pups.



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Ah, bless her. What I docile looking dog.

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Ah, bless her. What I docile looking dog.

That's after the haircut, Norm, This is what she looked like 2 weeks ago!



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I have a friend who has some huge hairy thing. It's black and hairy. Very hairy. It's big, black and hairy.


That's the best I can do really. It's huge, black and hairy. He's got it a plasterers mixing pool and is turning the garden hose on this huge, black hairy thing.





ed to add that I've looked it up and it's a Russian Black Terrier. It weighs more than HM!

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This is how my little mate keeps cool


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Mine too, Lola our cocker spaniel loves nothing more than a quick dip while out on her lunch time walk, in fact on any walk  ;)



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Haha same here, roll in a puddle to get wet

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