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ever been followed to the pub by a police man?


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Hey folks, 


I went for a blat last night to look at a tree at weedon, about 10 miles from home, half 6pm, had taken numbers off car, removed timing strut, put gel in my hair and was ready to roll.....


Went round northampton ring road at the speed limit, came to big roundabout at six fields....pulled off and went round roundabout accelerating in 1st and 2nd only then onto 50mph road (it doesn't end in a crash). 


Carried on motoring towards Eastcote in a convoy of vans and cars at 55 to 65 and then pulled into pub - whereupon the local constabulary sat outside the pub waiting to have a word.....


Apparently my car was too noisy and accelerated too quickly.......i didn't realise the rate at which one can accelerate to 50mph was considered a crime.....???  Anyone who saw my times at Blyton knows I dont do more than 60!!!!


When asked about the noise I told them it was 101 db (as measured at Blyton by MSA Scrutineer) which is 15 Db below my woodchipper that I can use in primary schools....


I had a nice pint and motored home cross country....



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Accelerating too quickly?       Hmmm.  I'm guilty of that too.

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Personally, rather than make comparisons with other equipment, I would have probably made reference to it being in line with the norms for that type of vehicle.


I may be paranoid, but there's a risk that any other comment about relative noise could be taken as being a smartarse reply and lead to a Section 59 warning... especially if the policeman concerned knew what figure you'd have needed to pass IVA?

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Pint of soft stuff I hope.

I was collecting a friend from a pub in Broad St, Birmingham city centre, and pulled over by the local constabulary for speeding ??? At 2am on a Sunday morning.

"Do you know how fast you were going?"

Yes officer, 10-15 mph. I was in the queue of traffic.

"Sounds like you were going much faster... Umm... Slow down and be careful."

I'm sorry officer, but did you think I was speeding in a queue of traffic?

"Just slow down and be careful."

I pull away quick, then cruise... Sit just below speed limit. Mainly due to fear of this! Bright yellow westfield's are pretty common on here, but not everyone has ever seen one and I bet it would be like a trophy to a police officer.

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Good point Coyote and well made and understood.


During our conversation he said my car was too loud, I asked him how he measured that as he drove along behind me on his own and simply told him what Db level it records at 3/4 throttle in relation to the guidance notes produced by the HSE for use of woodchippers on the highway... didnt thank I was smartarsed in any way, merely factual....

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didnt thank I was smartarsed in any way, merely factual....


And that, I suspect, is how it would usually be taken.  Someone having a really bad day though and it might be taken the wrong way...

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yes there is such a thing as excesive acceleration , i was stopped in 1989 for it and apparantly it is a offence

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Crikey, thanks Steve for that, even within the speed limit?  wow, I never realised that.


You learn something every day....


Cheers old chum - did a bloke call you today who'se wife had a bumo in her SE at Blyton? 

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Crikey, thanks Steve for that, even within the speed limit?  wow, I never realised that.


You learn something every day....


Cheers old chum - did a bloke call you today who'se wife had a bumo in her SE at Blyton? 

yes cheers wuv he said you had put him on to me ,thanks a lot


though i did deny knowing you :oops:  :laugh:  :p  ;)

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Coyote, correct and can see what you are saying.  We had a good chat and he seemed happy enough as he drove off. 

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he was parked next to my Winnebago.... nearly took his car out when I activated the slide outs.......

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I have rather rapidly accelerated to 60 years of age quite a surprise to still be here so would suggest to every person enjoy life while you are still here to tell the tale

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here here Marty... I loved the ride in the Italian thoroughbred mate.... cheers  :d

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