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Take an item with you to an interview ! One for HR


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Dave , really like the idea of the chainsaw , I didn't build and haven't rebuilt my car I found it !

The job is back in social housing and by the looks of it the interview is with two ladies ,Wile E I think you are right !

I think I will have to take a ' care bear ' and say it is because I care about others ( which I do and that's why I am a foster parent ) if I am going to stand a chance of getting it .

Keep the ideas coming though I like some of them .

It's certainly a new one on me normally it's a presentation on some change in legislation !

Well if it is that field take a picture of your foster child. That will tell them everything they need to know about you in an instant.

Your are , patient, selfless, understanding. caring and a credit to any company that might take you on. I take my hat of to you sir as what you do is special.

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Latex glove, and pull it over your head and nose, then inflate it...that will get a reaction.......Might not be the one you want but who knows?

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Happily lend u my big chainsaw and dummy leg we use for first aid training.. :d

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James, do you have any spare fingers in use for training?


Pantherman. Take a picture of your family, if they can't see you're the right man for the job you probably wouldn't want it. I'm sure you know that job satisfaction is more important than the money.

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Pair of handcuffs - attach yourself to interviewer and refuse to unlock them until you have a written a job offer and five year contract.

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I think so far it has to be the handcuffs and the chainsaw together , attach myself to the interviewer and say I am going to cut her arm off unless I have a written job offer at a higher salary.

What do you think ?

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It's armless.

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if you were a biscuit which biscuit would you be ?



Easy, with my haircut, a garibaldi.....

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