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Is my better half unique?

Norman Verona

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Background: When I installed the Ikea kitchen I bought 5 under sink bins. One for rubbish, 3 for the recyclable stuff and one spare.


We have Ikea toilet roll holders. They are floor standing poles which hold 4 toilet rolls.


We have a small circular table next to the washing machine for washing machine liquid and other magic stuff women buy.



So why are 3 of the under sink bins full of about 8 cleaning spray thingiemebobs and one has been removed and put in the barn We now have rubbish bags in the corner of the kitchen waiting to go down the lane to our bin?


Why have the toilet roll holders both got 3 new rolls sitting on top of an empty cardboard tube?


Why have we got 4 started Aerial washing liquid containers in the circular table?



I only know about this stuff because I removed everything from the down stairs utility room to re-stick those bl00dy tiles from 2 years ago.




Are they all like this or is my petal unique?

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Lynne is unique - as for the other stuff don't try and work it out, accept it and move on. Anything else will lead you to insanity and/or divorce. ;)  :)

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Different country but same woman... Enfin, same strange behaviour...

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Sounds just like my house

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John, after 45 years no chance for divorce, However the other option took place years ago.

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i would say yes Norm after chatting for over half an hour at the shrines inn she is one of a kind  :laugh:

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She is one of a kind.

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Simple really Norman - you dont own the kitchen :)

or the lounge

or the bedroom

How your workshop?

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Norman - just to console you - it is no different here.  Although to be fair (which is not like me at all) if you performed the same analysis of the contents of my garage racking and storage you might reach the same conclusions!  I'd let it go, until the point that vital garage space is cluttered with "non automobile based cleaning stuff"  Anything for an easy life ;)

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Very true, my workshop has dozens of empty cans of oil etc. But I only use one at a time. And I only keep stock for my immediate needs.


I wasn't complaining, I daren't, just making an observation and wondering if all of this species did the same.


As far as the workshop, barns, old house being cluttered up - they are. With all the mad things she buys that the best in the world, gets used once and put in the workshop (stopped that now), a barn or the old house.

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I would like to say: "like Chris 7273, different country,but same women"!  However, to own a car as we have, we must be unique too ...

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Yes, can't help feeling that we all maybe live in glasshouses on this one.

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It seems she isn't unique in this respect so that clears that up. They all have weird ideas on how to manage a house  :)


Jean-Marie, how are you. At least your better half baked lovely biscuits. My darling has never even baked a cake. Yesterday we were using a cement mixer. As I was making a mix she says "bet you could make a huge cake in that" I reminded her that may be the case but she wouldn't be baking a cake in a bowl or a cement mixer.

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Norm we are all unique....



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Yes, if course, but some are more unique than the rest.

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