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dealing with embarrassing moments.....


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I'm a firm believer in personal hygiene and how you present yourself in public, as a mark of respect to others and yourself....


I was queueing  at the supermarket today, and the chap in front ...STANK of BO...big time....i almost chucked, hurled, heaved.....


Conjuring all ninja training - mind over matter, i tried not to make a fuss, and decided to stick it out.  By now the smell had weaved its way to the poor lady behind me..(who most certainly suspected the smell was from ME..).


The little lady moved her trolley to the next checkout, but i foolishly stayed (which i sorely regretted..) :down:


What would you chaps have done in such circumstances ?  ?  ?




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yup you f***** stink mate ,have a bath you skunky ****

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I'd have given him my anti-persperant off my conveyor and said " your need is greater than mine"....

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I have twice had to tell a staff member that they had a problem. I had several women who complained of one guy, who when I told him was crushed. Next morning he came smelling like the Old Spice surfer which was just as bad.


The happy ending was we sent him to the Doctor where he was found to have a glandular problem that was easily cured.


The second one was much easier, he just did not bathe. The give away was he wore the same clothes every day and got worse as the week went on.


After being warned, I sacked him, no more problem

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Coming back from Cardiff (to London) there was a hitchhiker on the roundabout entrance to the M4.


Being of sound mind and feeling generous, I pulled over and asked where he was going. "London", "jump in I'm going there"


He was about 20 something and stank, so much so that I had to drive all the way back with the window open and my head almost sticking out of it.

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I worked with a guy at Sainsbury's in my student days that had an excess sweating problem. He was always a bit smelly despite brining 3 shirts in to cover him for a shift! Poor chap thankfully had the surgery and was eventually sorted.

Working in supermarkets exposes you to a wife variety of smelly people. Far and away the old folk are the worst. Either it's different attitudes from a bygone era, their sense of smell has gone or they are too bl**** tight with their money but dear god. They smell like p*** and hand you some smelly carrier bags to pack their stuff in to. One of many aspects of the job I will never miss!

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I shared a room whilst overseas with a guy that did not wash his clothes, in the heat and dust he stank to high heaven.


He took it the wrong way when I told him

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I'be known many people along these lines...

One guy asked for deodorant, I thought YES!!!, but he got clothes on hangers, sprayed them and put them on.

Working in a multicultural workplace I find different cultures have different hygiene standards. I lived in a multicultural flat. I was the only white British and the only one to shower every morning. I'd shower, go to the gym, run or organised training with most people in the flat. Shower and go to work. They all thought this was very strange. Some people would shower twice a week, regardless of what they were doing. Some every night... But I was the only one every morning and again after every run/gym session. Up at 0600, shower, etc, gym 0645, 12 mile run, shower- work. Out of 12 (inc me) 11 went to run and only three people (inc me) had a shower after. The rest just went to work. So 9 people twice, at least, a week could be smelt from 10ft away.

I spoke to a few about it and every time "in our culture..." Or "where I grew up..." And a few asked me why I showered so much and that showering washed essential oils and natural things off the skin and I would have very bad skin when I was young...

I'll stop there

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Just to add, Mrs C didn't believe me... The she moved to Birmingham and met some of them, works in a place where she is the only white person and now firmly agrees with it.

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