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Have I found the jobsworth of the year?

Norman Verona

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Been going to the "decheterie" (rubbish tip) all week. 8 loads of Fiat Marea Estate so far and at least another trip to do.


It is on a huge concrete plinth which you drive up and the huge skips are placed around it so you can tip your stuff straight in.


Just to get the picture, there is a drum for car batteries, another for house batteries, a large plastic bag over a frame for polystyrene and another for plastic bags and wrappings. Then there's a skip for cartons, next is the general rubbish skip and then all the garden waste. Then a small container for something, a skip for metal, then one for wood and then bricks and concrete. Then a larger container for electricals.


I'd dropped off a car load of concrete blocks, no problems.


Then, next trip I had cardboard boxes mostly with something inside.


The Fuhrer stood and watched my every move. I must put the polystyrene in it's place, the plastic bags in their place, the box must be broken up so it's flat and then can go in the carton skip. This went on for about 10 minutes. I then pulled out an old oven and a coffee maker. A small lamp fell out and the end came off spilling the four batteries on the floor. Batteries had to go in the battery drum and the lamp, as big as the palm on my hand, couldn't go in with the rubbish but had to go int the electrics container. 


Last out was a large box which came with the clutch for the Civic and a set of mats. It was wrapped in a black plastic wrapping and had large cushion bubble pack stuff inside.


You've got it, the bubble stuff had to be removed from the box, where it was firmly sellotaped on, the black plastic wrap had to be taken off to go in the plastic wrap bin and the cardboard box had to be flattened.



When he wasn't looking a threw a lump of wood in the concrete bin.




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Not read if... But did you not win?


I'll read it in a bit.

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I have had the same breed many many times!

Brain dead morons with no prospects... Clearly abusing the only bit of power they will ever have!

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My local tip is just as anal about segregation. I dont mind sorting it out as its a whole lot cheeper than a skip so saves me money and in theory should keep my council tax bill down, the one thing they wont take is gloss paint and the previous owner of my house left me a right load of horrid coloured part pots . Solution one bag of wood chip cat litter pour paint in bag. Leave in shed untill solid chuck in the skip for wood . Smile and walk away.... norman I feel your psin

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I didn't mind, it's a different attitude here. Everyone takes recycling seriously. Every village has 3 bins, glass, paper, tins, cartons and plastic bottles. We used to have a communal bin for general rubbish but we now have a small wheely bin, emptied evary 10 days.


It was just the way he stood and watched my every move. 

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We have fortnightly collections .one week green recyclable waste. Glass ,plastic , paper. Food. And garden waste then the next week all the landfill, the only bit that anoys me is that they wont collect extra green waste if your bins to full you have to take to the recycling center in town and this is hardly green , lots of foke just chuck it in the landfill as its less hassle and the black landfill bin normally has room luckily I have a few like minded neighbours who bin share any empty space on collection day. I know what your saying about being watched the local tesco security guard watches me like I am hiding stuff up my jumper really annoys me as its a obvious power trip for him. Perhaps it could be my bought and paid for beer keg I hide under my teashirts these days :-)

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Sorry, David, I'll try and remember that. The Fuhrer has two eyes. OK.


Bigals, when we spent a few months in Stocksbridge after HM was ill, we had all these different bins. The bins were outside the front of the house and there was a community centre around the corner. People walking home late at night put their fast food wrappings in the bin. The bin men refused to take it as it had the "wrong" rubbish in it.


I got onto the council and spoke to someone who was sympathetic. My argument was for them to provide a public bin or take my bin, even with the wrong rubbish. It was better it was put in there than thrown in the street.


A bin lorry made a special journey to empty our bin and we never had the problem again even though people still put their pizza boxes in our bin.

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I took up my old decking which was made out of thick timber about 8x3 (long story) anyway I put it all on my car trailer and took it down to our local dump it site. You cannot unload that, the trailer is too big!!! So we had to come back chainsaw it up and take it back in the car several trips.

I wrote to the council and pointed out the increase in the fly tipping we see was due to the stupidity of the rules being applied without thought. Obviously I was wrong according to the offical, the fly tipping is not related at all. Now had I paid £70 i could have unloaded my trailer, so i cut it up but most would pay £25 for the local pie - key to dispose of it by dumping in a gate way for the council to pay to collect later.


This changed when they Siva took over, before that I took half a car down in bits and it was not a problem.


Our council introduced green sorting but as it has been so successful they are now going to charge us to empty the green waste, and fine us if we dump it in the normal bin.


Joined up thinking?

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i hate going to the tip it really does feel like big brother is watching you. my neighbour has a load of guinea pigs which when cleaned out make alot of waste. last time they took it to the tip they refused to take it. i dont see how it cant go in the green waste as it is only chewed grass and hay. when she called the council they told her it was a private company running the tip and they can refuse. what she had to do was empty her 2 weeks of rubish from the wheely bin and take that to the tip then put the pig waste in the bin.  


its no wonder people just dump stuff at the side of the rd which then costs a fortune to clear up. the lane at the back of my house is forever filled with tryes, fridges and what ever else the local travelling community decide to drop there ( no thats not presumptuous or racist its a proven fact ) it would be cheaper if they just put a skip container down there though the dodgy beggers would prob weigh it in

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Know as a "decheterie", pronounced 'de-5hittery' :p

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Never was good at spilling.

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