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Aeroscreen with a difference


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ah I see mark. me misunderstanding. I look at the pdf on the laptop tomorrow and take a measurement. thanks pal

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unless I'm interpreting the IVA guidelines incorrectly, the aero screen seems to fail whether the plastic bit is fitted or not ???  ???


this is the extract from the manual:




As the seat back is fixed, then A has to be 562.5mm and B has to be 187.2mm


This is a diagram I have drawn up with the plastic bit fitted




This is a diagram I have drawn up if the plastic bit wasn't fitted




Thoughts anyone :suspect:  :suspect:  :oops:   

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What are the 505, 720, 610 and 660mm dimensions?

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With plastic bit fitted


505 = distance from tip of aero screen to a vertical line up from the rear most point of the seat base (in front of back rest)

720 = distance from rear most point of the seat base (in front of back rest) to horizontal line from tip of aero screen


Without plastic bit fitted


610 = distance from tip of aero screen to a vertical line up from the rear most point of the seat base (in front of back rest)

660 = distance from rear most point of the seat base (in front of back rest) to horizontal line from tip of aero screen

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ok I'm with you now :) in that case you haven't taken into account the 136mm measurement on the IVA diagram. all the dimensions are effectively taken from a block of wood 93mm x 136mm which is placed on the seat.

taking into account the angle of the seat squab I'd guess your 660 measurement will become something like 630-640 and 610 will become roughly 470mm :)

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I can see I've not taken account of the 136mm line, that would bring the projection line C further towards the front of the car(and up a touch beacause of the angle of the seat base). But haven't I already taken account of the 93mm? As my blue vertical lines are from the base of the seat, with the 563mm line on top of the 93mm line in my diagrams?

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Yes you've already got the 93mm but the whole lot needs to come forward and up a bit for the 136 measurement.

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looks like it will just about be ok with the plastic bit removed :oops:




will have to take some more accurate measurements after I've taken the plastic bit off


thanks for your help Mark :t-up:


Damn IVA requirements :down:

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:yes: :yes: :yes: HTH :)
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have to just have a face full of wind on the way to the test :laugh:


or take it off up the road from the test station   ;)

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