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another thing to raise my blood pressure.

jeff oakley

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Today the mayor of Bristol ( a man who wears red trousers and is a poster boy for the greenies) has held the first car free day in Bristol. So they have banned cars from the centre area and turned the roads over to the people.


So in an orchestrated event with free entertainment, people have "taken back" the streets from cars and put furniture in the roads etc.

Never have I wanted biblical rain so bad in one place. The comments boards have been over run by people from all over the world saying what a great man he is and how it is wonderful etc.


And the price for  this one day? £195,000!!!! And he is having one every month and wants to make it a weekly thing.


How many old people would that care for? How many potholes would it repair? How many other just and good things might that pay for?


It doesn't surprise me but it annoys me that these people get into power. At the local free museum(which was the Bristol industrial museum) now after a multi million pound re fit is called the M shed goodness me, they have moved all the interesting exhibits about Bristol cars, Bristol buses, Bristol Areoplane Company, things that made the city a proud heritage and put a token display in a small area. However there is an area much larger, divoted to apologising for the slave trade and explaining how bad it was that Bristol got rich on slavery!!!


When the trendy right on PC bunches are put in charge three things happen, 1, they lose all sense of priority and needs of the day. 2 they end up spending more than we can afford and have to rape the taxpayer again to pay for their largess. 3 They get voted out and others have to sort out the financial mess they leave behind.

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Jeff, who voted the pillock in? Or maybe the question should be, how many didn't vote letting the pillock win.

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ive got red trousers and green ones..... :)  and low blood pressure....reclaim the streets for 1800 values... fill it full of horses and carts and get kids up chimneys....  :)   


Rant over - had 10 hours at a showjumping do today - just got home and need a roast dinner :-) 

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Jeff, who voted the pillock in? Or maybe the question should be, how many didn't vote letting the pillock win.


People who were stupid. I had no vote as I live just outside Bristol but Bristol have always been a car hating city council.

They have tried to get high on street parking charges, voted against in a refurendum.

Tried to make work place parking chargable, still on the cards but when the Mayor of Newport said relocated here and there are grants as well, this has gone quiet.

They had plans to buy the M32 off the department of transport and turn it into a single toll road and a bus lane, again gone quiet.

They were building a park and ride just off the M5 as part of the 25 years (so far) Bristol tram project, but then found out the bridge under the M5 was about 15 feet too low so again gone very quiet.

He is the sort of person who has time to get elected and once in they run riot.

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Does that mean the pedestrians of Bristol become responsible for the upkeep of their new territory, somehow I don't think so.


Bob :d

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Res trousers, you should see some of the outfits in Cornwal. We had a function for all the important local people last week, it was an interesting sight to say the least

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red trousers - bright red ones for drinking G and T in :-)  :p

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Could have had a Westfield only car day for a lot lest than that.



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