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Quality Nutters

Captain Colonial

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If you get a chance, get on to 4 On Demand and grab Confessions of an Alien Abductee from the other night, haven't laughed so hard in a long time, proper whack jobs who think they've been abducted by space aliens hundreds of times, one woman is some unbelievably rough Brummie woman who claims she gets abducted most after eating a KFC.  Must watch telly, grab a bevvie and prepare to laugh yourself silly. :d

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yes they walk amongst us !!!!

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oh dear oh dear. dont call it take away for nothing and whats with her hair

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A rough Brummie???

In my experience many Brummies could actually be aliens! :laugh:

When I first started reading this I thought it was going to be American based, sorry Scott, as most of them are. But if it's got KFC eating Brummie abductee I'm watching it!

Why is it whenever alien's collect human samples for research, they always get the worst examples of human? You never hear about a member of Mensa, scientist or an athlete being abducted... Always people that are probably on some form of prescribed or illegal drug.

I have extremely realistic dreams, since being on high opioids, a few days ago I was sure I was talking to a guy (I could describe him, but no need to) who was sat on the pavement just down the road, waiting. I asked if he was ok, he had a semi automatic pistol in a holster, maybe a Berreta 92F, which he concealed as I spotted it. He then continued to say he was ok, just waiting for someone... I could go on, but this I know was not real. I admit I've not dreamt about KFC, Birmingham or aliens. Maybe I should watch men in black while eating cheese, just before I take my night meds and go to sleep...

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You never hear about a member of Mensa, scientist or an athlete being abducted...

Maybe the intelligent ones understand the need for secrecy.

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I am a brummie, but don't eat KFC any more since the little green men are no longer there.

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