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Wales 2013 - Some Piccies Added

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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Well we set sail for Wales today on our adventure - the forecast looks very much like last year so we are going to get wet again :cry:


This year a couple of us are towing the cars over there - will save the very wet, four hour, mainly motorway journey


Pictures of the adventure to follow ASAP


and a big thanks to Mark J for organising :t-up:

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On my way. Say av say m1 and whole Coventry area gridlock because of some ageing rock concert so going cross country. Sat av say era 1030

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Have a good time Cleggy. Are you staying at the Highland Moors? Looks like a wet weekend.

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Have a great time guys, I'll try and join next year if you do it again

This year I'll be travelling around France for a week including 3 track days

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Well we set sail for Wales today on our adventure - the forecast looks very much like last year so we are going to get wet again :cry:


This year a couple of us are towing the cars over there - will save the very wet, four hour, mainly motorway journey


Pictures of the adventure to follow ASAP


and a big thanks to Mark J for organising :t-up:


Trailoring a car over there...... where's the westy spirirt and oil skins ? I guess age is creeping up on us all.


Hopefully catch up with the Cambs crew on Saturday (with A/C on full bore to keep me nice and cool :p )

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@Greg - shame it you could not make it mate, but don't blame you - Tony and I chickened out on the second day and jumped in the beamer - still had fun trying to keep up though :laugh:


@Nic -yes m8 highland moors again


@Tom - be good to have you there m8 although we have other things in the pipeline for next year :cool:  TBC


@Sean - yup but don't regret the decision to trailer :t-up:  was good to see you and Graeme :t-up:

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Here are a few piccies - more to follow tomorrow

















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Nice pics Cleggy. Good to see you are getting the hang of the new Nikon !!

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Thanks Nic


For more photo's go check out the Cambs Facebook page - see link below

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Still think we should change the name of the club to  " i used to own a westfield car club"  ;)

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