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Cheshire run out :)


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Managed to get everyone out tonight for a quick run,


Given that the weather was planned to be great today, last night was a quick family and friends ring around to make sure everyone could do a run out.


I made a quick plan of a route and the date was set :)


So the 8 car convoy went the scenic route from Northwich to the Whipping stocks, a drink, food and a chat then off home, the MUCH FASTER way :p


Rogers TR6





Dads Westfield (Ian Farrimond) with experimental, part cling film grill cover to increase temp (successful)




Toms legendary MR2 that just won't die




Adams Westie (1313)




Matts Westie (Jocker) left Mine right





Drews Robbin hood 2B on the left




Dans VX220




6 of 8




A spot of tea :)




had a really good evening thanks to all :)
















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Well done lads & Lasses - cars look fantastic - a credit to everyone. :yes:

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A few of us headed out over the C&F towards Buxton and back through Leek, past Rudyard. Fantastic evening run out, stopped for a chat with a Vanquish S owner who I'd er, been "following" for the run from Bosley cross roads up to the pub. What a fantastic engine note, we both enjoyed our brief "convoy" run.

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i went for a drive on me own

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I played with a radio code.

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Thanks Fraser.

Dave, Glad you had a good run, looking forward to a peaks run out. we can discuss at the next meeting???

Steve, if you'd be up for the odd run out then just say and I'll send you an invite if were ever doing anything.

Norman, your radio's never given so much entertainment

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Thanks Fraser.

Dave, Glad you had a good run, looking forward to a peaks run out. we can discuss at the next meeting???

Steve, if you'd be up for the odd run out then just say and I'll send you an invite if were ever doing anything.

Norman, your radio's never given so much entertainment

cheers wuver I was only jokin I don't mind going on my own :yes:  :)


but just my thoughts and this is only my thoughts , and not aimed at anyone at all so please don't take it the wrong way , when folk from a area do runs out and invite people I personaly think it would be better to put the invite out to the everyone who attends the meetings and maybe in the area or it could look like its a bit clicky and not everyone is welcome ,I know of a couple of people who feel that way and left out

again don't take this the wrong way :)

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For the avoidance of doubt, all Cheshire areas "organised" runs are advertised on the Boardroom and on our Facebook page, " big" runs are also emailed to all members in the Cheshire and immediate surrounding area mailing list.

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An open invite to any Cheshire area members  ;)  If you fancy arranging an area run, please don't be afraid to step forward!  Just let me know and I'll post the details up in the usual places etc.  :yes: 


I keep eyeing up the seven day weather forecasts for a decent weekend, (that doesn't clash with other events), had hoped this Sunday would be OK to visit the Peaks again, but the forecast isn't good.


Who's up for just setting a date regardless? Perhaps go a week on Sunday?


I might have a look at what we can fit in to an evening too, seems such a shame to waste the nice evenings when we get them. I presume everyone has lights!  :laugh: 


Don't forget the Breakfast Club run to RAF Cosford is coming up in July. (See events section for details).

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Steve - no, your perfectly right. To be fair we are all family and close friends aside of the club, but I can see how this may have come across. So sorry to all, this wasn't intended to be the case.

the problem with this perticular run is that it was only planned the night before. but trust me everyone is welcome to join in with us.

Dave - I'm up for a run out a week on Sunday and if there's too many for one group I'm happy to lead a second group.

is there any chance we can have some sub catagories in the forum for northwest or cheshire, maybe then we could discuss local events, even work parties etc.....

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It was much the same for me yesterday, got an email late afternoon asking if I fancied a run out as it was a good evening. 

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Was a cracking evening out. Weather was fantastic and as always the blast home was entertaining!


Few of my pics...









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Great pics Jocker. We need to go on a specific pic run out, somewhere picturesque

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Can't get better than C&F, can you?

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