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Cotswold Meeting with Westfield 27th June


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Andrew Reeves Cotswolds A.O. has arranged for Julian Turner and Simon Westwood to come to this months meeting at our usual venue , see link for adress .


Westfield are planning on bringing the S2000 engined car and will be hosting a Q&A session immediately after our usual topics .


Andrew our A.O. and several other members unfortunately will not be attending as they will be abroad with the annual French Frolics trip taking in three trackdays over next week , lucky blighters !



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Oooh wonder what I can order to get them to bring down ;)

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As a new member of the WSCC, Cotswold resident and prospective purchasers of my first Westie in the next couple of months, I'm really looking forward to my first meeting with you guys and perfect timing with Westfield coming along with the S2000; now how do I go about convincing the wife to extend the budget :)

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Hellski you will be made most welcome.  Our AO, Andrew Reeves, is off tracking in France and won't be there, so the meeting will be hosted by one of his lieutenants, Paul Griffiths.  Be sure to introduce yourself to Paul (at least).  Hopefully see you next Thursday.

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Hellski you will be made most welcome.  Our AO, Andrew Reeves, is off tracking in France and won't be there, so the meeting will be hosted by one of his lieutenants, Paul Griffiths.  Be sure to introduce yourself to Paul (at least).  Hopefully see you next Thursday.

Thank you Stuart, Looking forward to meeting you all, Many thanks Christian :)

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Whereabouts is this meet?

Another prospective owner here (looking to buy my first westie this year)...

Sounds like it might be a good opportunity to get some good info.

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Dear All,


Really looking forward to meeting you all next Thursday and subject to weather conditions we will be bringing the MegaS2000 car.


Kind regards


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Dear All,


Really looking forward to meeting you all next Thursday and subject to weather conditions we will be bringing the MegaS2000 car.


Kind regards



Thanks for confirming Simon, fingers crossed for the weather.   Pity I'm one of the one's that will be one the French Frolic Tour.


For those asking for links to the meeting etc 


Cotswold Web Site - Info on the home page


Pub Link 


Pub Facebook Page


WSCC Areas Meeting Link  - Google Link inc


I recommend making an evening of it with food and drink.  

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May make an effort to attend. Not in the Westfield though. Frankly the journey is more fun in my BMW!


Calling shotgun if it's wet ;)


If it's dry I'll take the Westfield - mine is quite nice on the dual carriageway though could always seek out a different route.

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See you all there tonight , Stuart , Matt , Joel , Chris(for Tom) I'll have your parts with me .

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