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Stopping power


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Now I like fast cornering etc…. but I have never been one for late breaking. Slow in fast out etc….

Yesterday I found myself having a bit of a ‘doo’ with a Kawasaki ninja 900

I was just about able to hold him off on acceleration down a dual carriage way, then got to the breaking zone for the round-a-bout approaching.

I know that I can hit the breaks in a specific location in my road car and pull up in time.

In the westie I went way past this point still on full chat, then applied the breaks progressively to the point I had to let them back off otherwise I’d stop before the round-a-bout.

God these things can stop.

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Glad it stops in time but please be careful havin' a bit of a 'dooo'.  Can end in tears


Rory's Dad

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try a single seater on slicks if you want to know about good braking...


one of the fast Speed Series guys tried mine at a Curborough test day back in 2002 and where his non-roadgoing Westfield with 200+bhp Vx on slicks struggled to get slowed for the paddock gate after crossing the line, he went out in mine, braked at the same place (from 102 mph) and then had to then drive the 40 yards to the gate :laugh:    ;)   :yes:

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I can imagine that the single seater must be immense.

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First time I did the sprint at Aintree, all was new to me, someone, (only found they were pulling my leg later on) told me that the braking point marker cones were spot on for a Westfield at my sort of level.


Practice starts, get to the first bend, and I had so much going round in my head, (only me second ever sprint, had the warning about not hitting fences etc), I saw the cone and just braked by reflex...


...about 20m to early :blush::oops: had to get back on the gas and drive up to the corner. :down:

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try gearbox karts running slicks - My first practice - braked like I was in my Vauxhall Nova SR (we are going back a bit here LOL) stopped about 50 yard before the hairpin, accelerated then turned, straight across the grass about 5 yds before the hairpin, not just the braking but the turn in...

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Trying to keep up with a motorbike, your mad.   Graham0127 likes trying as well LOL.

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There was no trying, the bike was in front, I carried more speed around the round-a-bout and used it to pass him on the start of the dual carriageway, and then he couldn't get back past. When it came to the breaks he was nowhere to be seen.

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I find that I can drive my car much quicker and smoother than I could my Ducati 916r! Although where I do most of my driving, at the moment, it's impossible to anticipate other drivers and emergency braking is tested on every drive! I find that I'm not as confident in the Westfield as I am my Tin Top!

As for having "a little doo" I'm 100% sure this was all very sensible and within the legal limits. I have often started a play, decided other driver is suicidal, and eased off.

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If your internal organs don't hurt under breaking, you ain't trying hard enough in a westfield

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If your internal organs don't hurt under breaking, you ain't trying hard enough in a westfield

Tear drops on the inside of the helmet visor count?

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If your internal organs don't hurt under breaking, you ain't trying hard enough in a westfield

haha,  like it :)

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You want to see how quick a BEC car stop!!!!!!!

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I find that I can drive my car much quicker and smoother than I could my Ducati 916r! Although where I do most of my driving, at the moment, it's impossible to anticipate other drivers and emergency braking is tested on every drive! I find that I'm not as confident in the Westfield as I am my Tin Top!

As for having "a little doo" I'm 100% sure this was all very sensible and within the legal limits. I have often started a play, decided other driver is suicidal, and eased off.


Id be frightened of riding a ducati in that manner too! especially with bits falling off it while riding LOL :laugh:

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^^^wouldn't be a challenge against a Duke, it would have broken down around the first round-a-bout  :laugh:  :laugh:  :p

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