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First Dremel


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I got one of these the other day and it seems to perform just as well as my dremmel. I would have used my dremmel but can't get the f***** chuck loose!!!


I've got one of those too.  It rattles a bit but continues to cut, grind and polish like a good'n


Rory's Dad

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If you are cutting composties these are the discs to use as I've never seen one shatter like the discs that come standard with the Dremel tools




Or you can get these which are chepaer but don't last very long , again never seen one break



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OUCH! That's shocking... Off to check dates on mine now!


PPE... Yes at school it was a nightmare.

About 2005/2006 workplace (for me changed) I worked on 4 ton trucks and maintained radio systems within them. Part of my job often involved climbing up on the roof of vehicle and box body. This would be out in the field or in the garages. A few guys fell off in the garages and that forced the use of harnesses on a rope and frame type effort. Similar system to a seat belt, if you fall off the roof the sudden acceleration would stop the spool of rope. This caused more injuries when people decided to jump off vehicles to "test" the system. They did not hit the floor, but the swing an momentum sent them into the side if the truck! Injuries much less severe, but far more common.

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Thanks everyone, lots of goodies to go and look at. Then panic over that first cut into my precious bodywork

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first cut into my precious bodywork


Be careful - they make unexpectedly quick progress.  Have a shot on some scrap before tempting providence :suspect:  :suspect:  :laugh:  


Rory's Dad

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Be careful - they make unexpectedly quick progress. Have a shot on some scrap before tempting providence :suspect::suspect::laugh:

Rory's Dad

I second this!

I was terrified and thought I would regret it. But once started it was easy. Disc cut rough shape, use sanding tool to finish it off and make it look professional.

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