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First Dremel


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On the market for my first Dremel, any suggestions. Been looking at 4000-4/65?

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On the market for my first Dremel, any suggestions. Been looking at 4000-4/65?


That's the kit that I bought: good tool, but probably the most dangerous thing I own. 


Very easy to be tempted to rush jobs and/or abuse the various discs.  Which will cause some of them to spectacularly self destruct.

Definitely one to be religious with the safety glasses when using...

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I also bought myself an anglegrinder, which is super dangerous, and I can thoroughly recommend a good set of safety glasses that leave no gaps round the edge.

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I also bought myself an anglegrinder, which is super dangerous, and I can thoroughly recommend a good set of safety glasses that leave no gaps round the edge.


I'd rate the Dremel as more dangerous than an angle grinder.  Given its small size, it's much easier to get complacent...

Second the point about avoiding gaps round the glasses though!

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I'm on my third dremel, great bits of kit.

First one vanished during a move, second one got replaced with a li-on cordless bad boy I have now. I use mine for cutting things up, works great on GRP, straight through... Carbon fibre too. Just look like a geek and use goggles! I've had cutting discs shatter and scratch the goggles. Discs snap quite often, so always a risk of getting one in the eye. Not had one snap for a while... Must be getting good at it!

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Oh and for the Dremel I bought the additional cutting set.

A must! Main thing I use mine for. All the screws on my car are cut to length... Well all the ones I can see and get too.

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Safety first guys, I now use my leather welding gloves when angle grinding, you don't want scared hands like me :down:  grinding disc's have use by date stamped on them. A colleage of mine bought a load of cheap ones from a boot sale, one exploded and cut his neck, fortunately for him no major arteries just stitchs!!


Getting burnt while welding is my favorite past time , especially fun while laid under a machine and a glob of hot weld runs into your belly button!!!  

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I got one of these the other day and it seems to perform just as well as my dremmel. I would have used my dremmel but can't get the f***** chuck loose!!!

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I got one of these the other day and it seems to perform just as well as my dremmel. I would have used my dremmel but can't get the F***** chuck loose!!!

I had that on mine when new, can't remember exactly how I freed it off but think I did it off the tool from the back if that makes sense.


I got kit of bits from Maplin, not used it yet but has plenty of spares.



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I got one of these the other day and it seems to perform just as well as my dremmel. I would have used my dremmel but can't get the F***** chuck loose!!!


may not be what your're refering to but my dremel bits get stuck every time - loosen the chuck off, push the bit further in and the little metal things in the chuck compresses when the chuck is screwed in then moves away from the chuck, the little metal bit can then spring open and then the bit is released and will pull straight out :yes:

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I always use a face mask when working with the Dremmel or angry grinder these days. Gloves too.


If I'm grinding/cutting metal, I usually use my heavier welding gauntlets and apron - you get fed up of sparks burning through your clothes after a bit.


It's funny really, I remember what a battle the teachers used to have at school getting us to use PPE. Now I wouldn't think otherwise, but then my hands have more than enough scars!


On the cutting/grinding disc front, there's another big issue to be aware of, that many diy'ers aren't. Be very careful what discs you use on aluminium. It will tend to clog regular ferrous metal type discs, this can eventually cause the discs to shatter/explode if you're unlucky.

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