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totally unbelievable


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just heard that parent groups and mother groups are protesting today about the way fathers are potraid on tv , they are protesting about the way homer simpson potrays fathers  , goodness me really , its a cartoon , what goes on in peoples heads for god sake ,isn't there more to life , if you cant differentiate a cartoon from real life then you shouldn't really have kids and should be put on a island on your own so you cant breed anyway , the mind boggles as to the chuffin freaks out there

im sorry but if the simpsons or any cartoon offends you and you think it portrais you badly then you need to seek help not protest,



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Morning Steve, joined the early brigade with a moan as usual, ducks.


I totally agree. I also, being serious, think the video games the kids play (my grandson plays at 6 years old) are so violent and "unreal" that we are beginning to see problems occurring. I wonder if they get immune to killing and think it's OK to shoot someone as they get up after, innit.


It's OK judging these things at our age, I wonder how many of us have become violent at a very early age from watching Tom & Jerry. You see it's OK to hit someone with a big stick because they get up afterwards, innit.


Anyway, to complain about a cartoon because it portrays people in the wrong light is, as you say ridiculous. 

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Yup it is ridiculous, we are strict on what video games our 13 yr old can play at home, however the problem is I know he plays all these games around his mates house, and they start to see how easy it is to do stuff with no reprocussions.


its becoming a sad and dangerous world we are living in

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I do not watch soaps - ever. But occasionally I drop on to a channel waiting for a programme to start and the earlier programme is still running towards its credits. I am horrified at how so-called family life is portrayed in such as 'Eastenders'. bl**** Hell, I wouldn't have the energy to be so damned angry all the time! Am I out of step? Are people's lives so full of strife and rows? No wonder children are so stroppy when they see this crap day in and day out! 

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Agreed, one of the reasons I don't watch any of them, always shouting and screaming at each other.


I suppose the producers would say "It's life - only dramatised"

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If you don't like the way fathers are portrayed on TV, don't watch TV.  Better yet, don't own a TV.  What protesting about a TV program does is to ensure people watch it to see what all the fuss is about - something Mary Whitehouse never got.

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I often hear the Simpsons described as a 'Dysfunctional Family".  While Homer is usually portrayed as an idiot, he loves his wife and kids (including Bart), provides for his family - he has a steady job, owns a house, they eat regularly and together as a family, play together through endless trips out, his second and third children show signs of genius and his wife is a paragon of virtue, working hard and totally focussed on providing the best for the family.  Homer and Marge stick together whatever life throws at them. Is that a poor paternal role model?


One quick trip down Swindon high street tells me who's doing it right..... :d

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My nephew is 9 and has a X-Station or Play-Box, a LapTop and a PC to himself. As well as a 42inch TV in his room. His mother is unemployed and goes on about having no money. But has a 50 inch TV in the living room, Sky HD, surround sound, 42 inch TV in her room and a ton of junk like exercise bike, treadmill, old PC's, old laptops, old TV's and stuff all over the house (that are never used). I've known her four years and she's had 5 cars, brand new, out the showroom.

Back on track, I'm military, so his hero as I'm like a main character in many of his games. I looked after him this weekend (so his mum could F off to London with his father... I'll not start!). The child has many issues apparently with sleeping, nightmares and behaviour difficulties. He has autism and that is what gets blamed.

His father is 40, hence London weekend to celebrate, has four children. One is 12, one is three months older than my nephew, my nephew and one four months younger... The eldest two were from his ex-wife. My nephew and the other from "Bits-on-the side" (my sister in law and a, once was, good friend of hers). The father has a serious cannabis and alcohol issue. He plays insanely violent games on computers until 3-4am when he passes out... While in charge of the children who are asleep around him.

As his hero I go round and will only watch correct program's and everytime I look after him by 1930-2000hrs he is unable to stay awake and in bed by 2015 at the latest. We watched "Flubber", "Cool Runnings" and something else Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. He loved all of them. During the day on Saturday we were at Croft, Sunday I we went to a "Race For Life", then Sunday lunch at his. I then played in the garden, building a shelter, making a small "battle field" and putting his toy soldiers in it and took photographs...

I saw none of the issues that we are constantly told about, including his violent side, where at school he stamped on another child's head because the other child was fighting with his friend.

I may have seem to have drifted off point... But have I not just described an episode of the Simpsons? Yes it should be banned!

I'm with Steve on this one and teaming up with Mooch! I wish my father was as good as Homer Simpson. Is this not the correct 2.4 children in a suburb? Detached house, father in stable career, stay at home mother, clean house... Need I continue? Ever see Bart, Lisa and Maggie dumped at friend's/family's places, so Homer and Marge can go drinking every weekend?

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I read this and of course that famous and reasonable forum Mumsnet is behind this. The main thrust from them was that the cartoon and fictional fathers did not reflect the vast majority of fathers, so they were really stating the obvious something they are famous for.


But the point they are making is actually wrong, Watch any fly on the wall programe and you can see feckless fathers, the guy in Wales who has 15 kids with 14 slappers, the guy on Skint, big fat Gypsy fathers all support the opposite that the role of a father in many areas of the UK is completly the opposite to the chintzy view they have in their perfect lives.


I just think that anyone who uses press releases are after one thing publicity, in that aim they have acheived their aims.


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