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Why it's good to be a member of this club

Evo,s 7SE

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After problems at croft today rather than risk damage the engine I decided to go home

No problem you would think except I had to drive the car the 70 miles to the track day

Without no more ado Scott who was also doing the day said he would load car on his trailer And take me and. Car. home a round trip of 140 miles

This meant he would also miss some of his sessions

I would like to thank him for getting me out of the ****

Very very much appreciated

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he is the Epitome of what this club is all about........

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Imagine if the world was this selfless...

Top Bloke!

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Well done Scott, what would do without him. Or any of the committee and AO's.


This club is what clubs should be. A bunch of people with a common interest and all helping each other selfishly. 


Long may it continue.

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Er, I suspect this might be Scott Pre Lit who is deserving of the hero of the hour award.  :yes:  :yes:  :yes: 

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Ah, that makes sense.


However the comments apply just the same, in fact a bit more, if you see what I mean.

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Yep, wasn't me, it was another Scott, and full kudos to him.  It is indeed the members that maketh the club, whose actions constantly make me proud to also be a member.  :t-up: Nice story, hope the car gets sorted quickly as well.


I love it when a plan comes together. ;)

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Er, I suspect this might be Scott Pre Lit who is deserving of the hero of the hour award. :yes::yes::yes:

And exactly how did you know it was this fine young man that is deserving of this praise
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Er, I suspect this might be Scott Pre Lit who is deserving of the hero of the hour award. :yes::yes::yes:

And exactly how did you know it was this fine young man that is deserving of this praise
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Ah its being in the all seeing committee  ;)  :d 


Hope you get sorted out by the way! (What was the problem?)

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No problem Keith. Glad I could put trailor to use. We only took it in case we had problems. Love your motor given me plenty ideas to continue with mine if it stays.

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Venturis are the same on mine keith / \   / \

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