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British Airways rip off


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Don't pay it.  One, if you check in at the airport three hours in advance, you've a good chance of sitting together.  Two, if that doesn't work, buy a big box of good choccies in duty free and make sure you're in the front of the queue to board - collar the head of cabin crew as you board and explain your situation and give them the choccies to share - it works and even if you can't get seats together, you'll get great service and probably some free goodies.  Three, once you're in the air, you can walk around.  Four, you'll be together for days, a few hours apart on a flying bus filled with farts is not the end of the world.  Five, think what you can enjoy with the money you save.  Six, the Maldives are beautiful.  :)

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Thats becoming normal practice now, any excuse to charge a bit extra.   The rest of the world won't put up with it.    Next time you book a flight make sure it is with a Middle East or Asian airline, Virgin if you are travelling to the USA.   Personally I wouldn't pay and and go early to the check in as Scott says.  They are not going to seperate you from your children. 

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I don't see flying as being much different to taking a train where you've always had to pay extra if you wanted to prebook a seat.

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It's a blatant rip off. But I have another rant which I'll post tomorrow as I want to tell someone tonight before posting it.


Do as Scott says. He's a very wise old owl so listen and obey.

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Do as Scott says. He's a very wise old owl so listen and obey.

Methinks I dare not to

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Some might see it as a god send not sitting next to their kids. Frankly if I was my brother I'd not want to be on the same plane as them let alone next to them

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Methinks I dare not to


? Not sure how to take that... Good or bad?  Just curious.

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Frankly if I was my brother I'd not want to be on the same plane as them let alone next to them


If it were my brother, I'd want to be the pilot so I could create turbulence and make him vomit.

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I used to fly business alot to South Africa with work.  It was amazing how often the father was in business and the rest of the family (I assume travelling on airmiles) were in economy ;-)  They would pop up in turn to say hello.


Anyway back to the question no point reserving seats unless you want emergency exit for extra legroom.


You will find they put you together unless you are very unlucky or check in late

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? Not sure how to take that... Good or bad?  Just curious.

Just being flippant, meant in jest.

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Just being flippant, meant in jest.


No probs, just wanted to make sure I didn't drop a brick. ;)

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