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why being a member is worth more than the subs.

Norman Verona

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Because we have members who go the extra mile or 6 for us.

Thanks SteveD

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More details required Norm, did you buy a car from him per chance?

But yes, I couldn't agree more, so many helpful people here yourself included. If only I had a skill or service that I could offer the good folk in return!

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Mankini ?


Bob :love: 

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Mankini ?


Bob :love: 

fpmsl bob :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


thanks norman not a problem :blush:

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Yes, we are now mankini twins. But keep it quiet, don't want Scott getting jealous.

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That's the last time I come to your place Norm if the mankini is part of your wardrobe...want to see you go blatting in a Mankini and get pulled over by The fuzz.....

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Ouch that sounds painful.... normally they just handcuff us in the UK....

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I think this thread alone is worth the subs!

Norm said about giving me one whole English pound every time I don't mention brummie driving for a week, so my subs are pretty much free next year anyway! It's hard not too... So many daft muppets! Last night Mrs C was worried to walk 3/4mile home, on the way there was a bunch of near misses and two incidents. Not even a mile of walking!

But I've had much help if many members and enjoy helping people out. ATM I'm at the end stage of another set of emails instructing and advising on QRS. I find it good to help others... Quite bored at the moment, at home recovering.

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Norm thanks very much for coming out of your way on Saturday. Big help car is making progress. I have to say top guy.

It's a shame you keep that car of yours in France where we can't see it. May be an excuse for a road trip.

The subs are peanuts in comparison to that sort of help.

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