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Headhunted.....what would you do.....?


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Kind words Marto, cheers - I know what I am doing is for the short term (5 years) keep the tree business, build ToolOrders with Bruce and Zach and then go back to it in a few years.


TBH the offer from the oil/gas firm is home based, shares, 2 year notice period (so lucrative if they buy me out) and it's working for a firm I have known at board level from 1998 onwards 


I'm in a very lucky position....



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Take the corporate money for 3 days a week, manage the tree business et al for the other two - all being well a relative short term back in the corporate market will see you set-up for many more years ahead ;)  :d

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Cheers Mark, and thanks Bio Man... think i've made my mind up.....:-) 

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I don't see why you've got time to come here and start the pointless thread.

Should you not be packing and arranging school's for your children. Don't forget all the bits for Pip!

I'd be gone. Keep ATS, if you can. Do the corporate thing for cash, build up enough the last a while and leave it to carry on climbing down under! As soon as you become a citizen go back to climbing and enjoy the life.

Do it and I'll see you down under!

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guest, I wish it was in Aussie.... the job is home based so I'm stuck in Moulton Northants at the minute mate.  Only got 3 kids at school still, Henry starts at Silverstone Motorsport Institute in September and George is a lift engineer for Stannah mate. 


See you soon buddy 

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So no Aussie? Even easier, no need to arrange schools for the three that need school. Hand ATS over to someone else to do the leg work, become a manager style boss and do the odd job up the there's when you want. Save as much money as you can with the corporate job, pump it into ATS, if needed... And go back to being a tree monkey if you get bored of corporate work once you've finished with the cash.

My tree climbing days are over, I was expecting tendon/muscle repair. But came away with half my bicep missing and nothing repaired. Can't even lift a cup of tea now!!!

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James, two friends of mine had an architects business in Sheffield. Matt died about 10 years ago and Barry gave the business to the 3 loyal staff who had kept the business going through the 6 months they were on there own. He works 2 days for them on a contract basis and basicly get the work for them. He works for himself for part of the rest of the week. He says it's perfect for him, enough money to live comfortably and enough time for himself and the family.

I sold my business and was appointed MD of the UK division of a huge US corporation. One of the first meetings I had with my new boss he asks me toform a committee. Why do I need a committee, Dave, says I. Well, you'll need a committee to form committees that you'll need from time to time. I asked what I needed committees for. He said I would need a committee to sort out any problems a customer may be having with his system. At this point I knew I'd done the wrong thing. I got out asap and well before my service contract expired. I walked away from a 6 figure salary and a car.

By the way, my answer was "Dave, if a customer has a problem, I get in my car, go there and sort it out."

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As someone said: follow your heart. I've seen you climbing, and you look fit, healthy and happy. I would think that insurance-broking is going to stultify. No matter how flattering the offer, being awash with cash is of limited value if the rest of your life is poo.

My advice would be to maintain the portfolio career you have, but add a little part time stultification to the mix if you feel the extra cash is worth the compromise.


HTH & all best,



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Sage advice David, Norman again words of wisdom - thankyou. 


I've done a bit more work on it today and a compromise has been reached that suits both parties. :-) 


Just need to sort out handover and have a break before starting new job in oil/gas and waste/biomass risk transfer UK and Europe to Chinese Border 





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I am reading this in a small street cafe bar in a small town in Bulgaria. my beer is cold i have somewhere to sleep and the food has not kklled me yet. opposite is a refuse bin, so far three people have rummaged in the bin and found and eaten food from it. i think we are all very lucky.

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I am reading this in a small street cafe bar in a small town in Bulgaria. my beer is cold i have somewhere to sleep and the food has not kklled me yet. opposite is a refuse bin, so far three people have rummaged in the bin and found and eaten food from it. i think we are all very lucky.

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I retired early 3 years ago from the ever increasing rat race.  I knew my income would drop by 2/3 which was a bit scary at first.  However, we have a lovely home in a beautiful setting right on the coast and I have enough to run the Westfield.  I consider myself very lucky and have never been happier.


Even out of the rat race - I still find there aren't enough hours in the day :t-up: but those hours that are there are all mine!! 

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Sage advice David, Norman again words of wisdom - thankyou. 


I've done a bit more work on it today and a compromise has been reached that suits both parties. :-) 


Just need to sort out handover and have a break before starting new job in oil/gas and waste/biomass risk transfer UK and Europe to Chinese Border 








Your description contrives to make it sound quite grey  --  but I'm sure it's lucrative. 


Hope you enjoy it.


Good luck



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Yes, good luck on your dual career.

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cheers sooty - today I have been mostly strimming in a garden where 2 massive ridgebacks live.... no one picked up the dog mess..... gives a new meaning to being S*** faced..... :angry:

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