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Headhunted.....what would you do.....?


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Hi folks, I'm in a dilemma.


I spent years working in waste industry and then underwriting in the City before re-training as a pro-tree climber for the past 10 years.  Have had a great time doing that but the economy has hit our industry like everyone else's.


Toolorders is going well, ATS is ticking over, climbing rates are down mind but costs are going up.....


I've been approached to join an Aussie firm working in UK doing insurance broking (dullest job in the world).....


currently stuck in my mind between having a lifestyle job and very little money and going back to corporate world with pension/car/ great salary etc etc etc


Suppose I could do both - insurance all week and a bit of tree climbing at weekends?? 


Has anyone else been in this predicament?????



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Hi James,



I went from the RAF to the commercial world and ended up as an Operations Director for a national transport company.  Loads of money, car and pension but I soon realised I hated it and quit while I still had my scruples and sanity.  Now running my own self build housing consultancy from home and earning a lot less, but as you say, the lifestyle is perfect and I'm a happy bunny - lots of time for family and social life which keeps stress levels to a minimum.  


I've discovered that the secret is not oodles of cash, it's having enough cash to do what you want to do. I don't think I would ever be tempted back into the corporate world.  If you are enjoying what you are doing, and you have enough to get by, why stop?

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Just what I thought Mooch... this last year we have turned over the same but ive earnt 75% less..... also the life of a tree climber is a tough one and i'm not getting any younger - my fitness level is reasonable and I dont know how long I can keep it up....


Plus ive got 5 kids in the houselhold and 3 will soon be at UNI so i need a bit more money to help them out.....


Decisions decisions.....

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I also came from the RAF and ended up as a freelance IT consultant. The key is self employment. You work and earn as little or as much as you want to.

I would never work full time for anyone else again.

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I was headhunted back into teaching after being self employed. Some days you regret it, some days you don't. I still do a bit of freelance work when I can, but not as much as I would like (sometimes). 


You do have to enjoy your job though. It was a hard decision for me and I enjoy teaching so my advice would be to think hard. There is always the part time option (ie ask if they will do a part time role for 6 months say)


Good luck with the decision


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Cheers Paul,


They've just called me back and want me to "contract" 3 days a week to see how it goes at a reasonable day rate... Looks like I will be back to being Gareth Cheeseman p7.jpg

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The way I see it is you have already worked in the  2 careers and you know what each of them are like. The question is really for you to decide, no one else is really qualified to advise you, except your good lady.

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Cheers Sooty.... I'm sleeping on it.....was just interested to see if others had "gone back" to what they did before and it seems they have.... 


Cheers folks



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I can't go back to what I did before, only had one Employer since school------------------Yes I know, I'm SAD.

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Thats not sad Sooty mate - thats lucky IMO  :yes:

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Lucky yes, the luxury of final salary pension, sick pay and 6 weeks holiday has kept me there all this time.  Never regretted the everchanging job, I enjoyed the work, for the first 40 years, now I hate the company but the job is OK.

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ex IBM ex ICL ..... self employed (12 years ago) with a small team! LOVE IT.


never go back

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James, as has already been said it's a very personal choice. I knew from a very early age that I wanted my own business. Trouble was I kept climbing the corporate ladder so fast I didn't want to get off, mind I did learn an awful lot at big PLC's expense having run business for them since late 20's. Finally got my own business late 30's and never looked back. Yes initially I didn;t earn as much money, but didn;t take long to sort that out :d  I could never go back to working for someone else.


But your circumstances are different, you do all the work yourself. I had a manufacturing business employing people. 


So go with your heart, but don't forget the other options, how about you manage tree felling rather than doing all the work ? or some other variation where you can see a gap in the market.

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Nick, you are quite right chap.  Ive had a long chat with Senior Management and my accountant (in that order) and will be passing ATS to the staff I have in that already and taking 3 days a week doing insurance for the Oil/Gas industry :-) a good compromise methinks. :-) 

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Not sure I'm really qualified to comment other than through my own experiences but, from school I completed my apprenticeship in the motor trade and worked on until my late twenties. I then took a sales job as I needed more income with a young family, mortgage etc and although I enjoyed the work and did well at the job I hated all the internal politics & bulls**t, but once your committed your committed.


It took me years to get out, a divorce and a failed business later and out of necessity I found myself back with my old employer, whilst the money helped ease my finances at that time, it didn't take long before I knew I'd made the wrong decision. 


That was when I started on my own again, nearly ten years ago now and although we have had some tuff times and lots of hours, we are now happier than ever. I know some of the stress of running our business has contributed to my health issues now but I can address that and get the work / life balance back on track.


FWTW, if you can,  push on with your own business, when you can, take on someone to lighten your physical load, leaving you time to manage and develop your business, ( the exact same situation I find myself in ), but thats just my opinion.


Best of british James with whatever you decide mate.


Martin & Michelle

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