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deer , dear ?


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Got told this the other day, made me laugh, a lot.... :d



A man is out hunting and kills a deer.


He brings it home to his family and cooks it, but doesn't tell his kids what it is.


He said "I'll give you a hint, it's what your mother calls me."


The youngest son cries out, "It's a f****** d***, don't eat it!"


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can't help telling you another little story.


We were buying "The Old Cross" from the then owners. The husband was a retired 78 year old doctor married to his second wife, a 30 year old ex-nurse. They had 3 kids, the oldest being 8 year old Oliver.


We were talking to Jack, the father in the lounge and Oliver was, like all kids, pestering him. He told the kid to go away and play as he was talking to Lynne & Norman.


Oliver turned and shouted as he left "OK you F**ing old Ba**terd".


Some months later I told Christine in the general shop/post office opposite the house. She smiled and said that was what Karen, the 30 year old wife would shout at him, for the whole village to hear.


I wasn't surprised, Karen would always undo her top buttons when I called in for something. Even when HM was with me. 

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