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New member saying hi and my first question on stone guards


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Hi all,

I have just got back from a 2hr drive in my new Westfield that i picked up today. It's great fun, though I am now shattered!....in a good way and still smiling. :-)

So, on to my first question, stone guards. My 05 Westfield has what looks like detachable rear arches. At the Stoneleigh show last week I bought a set of stone guards, ZT type???, something like that. Are these the right ones? Although they sit flush, the lip runs around over the detachable seem. When riveting, how do you deal with this? I can add a photo if someone tells me how!!



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Welcome Jon. I don't have detachable arches, so someone will advise you on that but I siliconed my arch protectors on, so no holes and rivets ;)

An option for you

Enjoy :)

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As Martin said, welcome and enjoy the car.


My arch protectors are riveted on, (detachable arches), yes the guard overlaps the joint.


Just be aware if you decide to silicon on, that it can be extremely difficult to separate siliconed joints on the car without damage! It really does stick well...

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So where they overlap, do you rivet to the main body or leave that bit and just rivet to the arches!? Do you add any sealant around the edges against the main body?

Thanks for the advise.

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Welcome Jon, Hope you are enjoying the car. 

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No sealant, mine came, (from Westfield) with rubber wing beading, so the flat part of the beading is sandwiched between the wing and protector all the way round, it's then riveted through, again all round (except the very bottom edge) to hold both bead and stone guard in place. Yes, riveted through main tub where necessary.

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I fitted mine with a rubber bead supplied by Westfield and rivets same as Gadgetman.


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hello and welcome


love the avatar :d

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Smokey, I think it's a good likeness.   :)

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Welcome......and get used to asking questions as you`ll never stop upgrading.

Unfortunately there is no known cure for upgraditis and it`s no use trying to fight it.


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Welcome and enjoy your car!

I too have detachable arches and the guards sit over the joint as others have already said!

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Welcome and enjoy :)

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Thanks all. Have today riveted the stone guards on and fitted wind deflectors plus a bonnet stripe, well two actually. Looks really good. Photos to follow soon.

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