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A huge thanks From Andy, Dave and myself.


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Again thanks for everyone who work hard organising the WSCC stand. This was my first time to Stoneleigh and being a new member I was made to feel welcome by everyone I meet what a great day and a lovely sunny drive home to Cornwall hope to see you all next year

Good to meet you sparkymart & equally good to hear you had a nice run home, no more leaks!

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First Stoneleigh overnighter for me and the first time camping in a long, long time.  Anyway the geography couldn't have been better.  Toilets, Westfield drift cars for that all important 8:30 early morning call, tent, the aforesaid café for breakfast, a quick walk across the road and straight onto block 53.  100 yards from end to end - Perfect!!


Couldn't have enjoyed it more. Thanks and well done to everyone.


Rory's Dad

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Good to meet you sparkymart & equally good to hear you had a nice run home, no more leaks!

good to meet you as well Martin, no leaks just throttle cable snapping 10 miles from home but out with the trusted leatherman some sting and a roll of gaffer tape got it sorted ;-)
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Just think, now we have no more free pretzels from Scott, no more pink t shirts and no more money to spend!!!

Great weekend, looking forward to Stoneleigh next year.

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I wish I had got back as early as you guys, but just made it, that's the trouble with living properly up north. As Chaz and others have said, what a great show, Well done Chaz, Dave & Andy and your army of helpers, great to be part of such an awesome club. 


I hope that we will see lots of the none competing club members at Curbrough on 15th June and Blyton on 12th July for the WSCC Trackdays and subsequent sprint meeting.

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First time to the show and to meet you all. Had a great time.

Went knowing I wouldn't spend any cash but get lots of advice and great ideas.

Got plent of advice and ideas free pink t-shirt and busted best part of the wallet buying shiny new stuff and pre owned bits and pieces!!!!

Put me down for the auto jumble again early next year please! Both days is fine ;-)

Great to meet you all and have such a great weekend. Just a shame I couldn't stay on Sunday night but had a fabulous drive home.

Cheers all


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Agree totally.

I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and felt I was welcomed into the Westie family good n proper.

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nice to see so many westfeilds all good bet you get more next time

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Well done everyone who organised this weekend I have had an absolute hoot. It's my second time to stoneleigh but my first time stopping out and helping. I have met many great people and put alot of faces to names even though I have met that many people I will probably forget do please excuse me if I look lost next time we meet :)

Would also like to give a big thanks to the members children who have run the snack bar all weekend and done a fantastic job.

Roll on next year you can count me in


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Evenin' All  ;)


Not long home and I've just finished packing away the important bits and pieces; some club stuff that I should have left on the trailer when I secured it earlier and some new purchases for me  :d and I've even managed to persuade Calum into the shower!


We are totally beat but elated.


A lot has been said before in this thread, and the others, and is said every year and it is absolutely the right thing so I won't prattle on, just a couple of lines...


Massive, massive thanks to Chaz for sticking with it, for all the background work and for coordinating, organising and passing on his experience to myself and Dave. I know I would not have been as effective without him and the show most certainly would not have been as good as it was.


That said of course it will never be great show without everyone helping on the day. I think the names in the frame are correct and I'm sorry if I missed the chance to thank you in person but...


Thank You!


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What a fantastic show; as Chaz and Andy have said, a huge thanks to everyone that helped and another for everyone that came! You all really made it obvious why the WSCC is the best club there  :d 


First time I've camped over, in fact first time I've camped in thirty years! But it's so worth it; the evenings BBQ - well done Chaz for Stirling service, topped off by yummy jelly :o  :o  :o  And cider fuelled star gazing... 

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great 3 days, loved every bit of it. Got back home in the dark bout half ten! Get some funny looks driving westy in the dark with no roof..

Loved meeting everyone as they pulled in to park up, some great stories, one guy forgive if i know not who you were i think ran his own sat nav over! Too many to talk about..

Roll on next year

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