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A huge thanks From Andy, Dave and myself.


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Just back from the Stoneleigh weekend and I personally think that it's been the best ever.

The interior and exterior stands looked great, the atmosthere was great and it was great meeting old friends and making new ones.

My favorite bit was the Sunday evening BBQ, I'm sure you'll all have your favorite bits too.

Thanks for all those that came along, the sight of over 200 Westies parked up on block 53 was yet again a sight to behold, you all contributed to a great event.

To give you a sense of perspective the maximum ammount of cars I counted on any other club stand was 36 Caterhams



For all those that attended (and those that did not) I'd like to name (and in some cases shame) all those volunteers who made what you saw transform form the ideas and organisation of a few to a great two day event.

Without these people to breathe life into the show it simply would not have happened for they are the real stars of the show.


I sincearly hope that I have not forgotten anybody (and if I have I apologise and will add the names as soon as I am told) from Andy, Dave and myself a huge thanks



Bob Redman, Martin Harmer, Philip Nicholls, Dave McNicoll, Scott Young, James Alexander, Ian Tolfree, Steve Farrimond, Martin van Zeller, Marcus Barlow, Ian Prior, Terry Brown, Steve Gordon, David Richings, Michael Baker, Dawn Frankland, Tom Frankland, Matthew Knight, Nigel Curry, Blessed, Jon Haiselden ,Nic Chase, Nic Chase's Son, Richard Botterill, Mark Assimakopoulos, Keith Coomber, Surinder Singh, Derek Hodder, Steve Livesey, Michele Stowe, Jon Stowe, Chris Moore, Jonathan Moore, John Walters, Margartia de Chastelain, Isis de Chastelain, Max de Chastelain, Don Hormer, Rich Clements, Martin Harvey, Michelle Harvey, Steve Farrimond, Gary Bunn, Mick Cooper, Duncan de la Mare, Julie de la Mare, Brian Jones, John Williams, Andy Reeves.


Thanks also must go to our sponsors for putting on great displays that enhanced the profile and standing of the WSCC


Troy and the Northampton Motorsport team.

Luke and the the Playskool team.

Julian and the Aerodynamics team.

Toolorders in the marquee.

Julian and Frank Turner and their families and the Westfield Sports Car team.


We must also thank the WSCC committee for their continued help and support of the Stoneleigh event, thanks chaps.


Last but not least I must thank two very tolerant and very hard working partners in crime.


Andy Banks and Dave Eastwood, a massive thanks on behalf of the club for all of your hard work, effort and contribution to WSCC Stoneleigh 2013.

We would not have acheived such a well organised and professional contribitution from the WSCC to Stoneleigh 2013 without your support.

You two guys have gone above and beyond the call of duty.

A massive thanks from me chaps, I sincearly know how hard both of you have worked to pull off a great show.



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Am I getting a felling of Deja vu?


As somebody who knows that organising shows can be a thankless task,  may I say a thanks to you three, Andy, Dave and Chaz.

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Chaz, Andy & Dave


Michelle & I have had a very enjoyable weekend, thanks for including & looking after us (and everyone else) with Sundays BBQ, as new a member it's been great to put names to faces, we are looking forward to doing it all again next year.


Martin & Michelle

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here here :t-up:

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Chaz, Andy, Dave,


I purposely had a look around other clubs' offerings, including the only two which I think could possibly compete (Lotus/Caterham/Schizo and RHOC), and concluded that we were in the lead on pretty much all fronts  --  number of cars, inviting aspect, available hosts (even if in manly pink).


I offer my congratulations on a job well done, and thanks.


All best,


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I've had an absolutely fantastic weekend at Stoneleigh as did Keith and we are still buzzing from it now.


For those that have not been before (or not been in a while) it was just a superb weekend on so many different levels.  The weather was great, the cars were all fantastic and it was good to have a nosey at so many different takes on our beloved cars - gave me lots of ideas for upgradeitis!  Then there's putting faces to so many names from the boardroom, it really was good to get to know people and everyone was so welcoming.  That leads nicely onto the evenings barbecue with chaz's culinary magic - and not small portions either like in all the fancy places you go to.. a proper fill up   :d Then there's the pink t-shirts, I'm going to be wearing mine for time to come.  Not forgetting sitting out in front off the farmers cafe drinking a cider in the afternoon with the sun beating down on us..  The stands and tents were great, the 'work' we did really didn't feel like work it was just a pleasure to be involved..  I do get the impression it was a lot of graft for chaz, andy and dave and I think scott put a lot of effort into balking pretzels in the week before (although modestly said he bought them from costco or somewhere similar).  The great deals from all of our favourite traders..  I've come back with a tin top full of discounted goods and saved a small fortune (it's worth coming for this alone if none of the above manages to float your boat).


I'm clear with the strife for next year already and it can't come quick enough.  Well done again to the organisers tireless efforts and everyone in attendance that made it a great weekend.  If you weren't there you have indeed missed out, so hopefully you fancy coming next year.


Ps  Just to add that although Keith loves his caterham he was less than impressed with their turn out and I know that even if only for a brief moment he was considering his choice in sevenesque type car..





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Here Here. a top day out all round. 


I most enjoyed the AGM with a pint of Perry...


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I also had a fantastic day, bumped into some old faces and many new ones and spent most of my day chatting, some people remembered me, some didn't (you know your names Chaz :devil: ).

The tent and stand were very slick and my hats off to all those who obviously worked hard to make it one of the most successful events ever.


Thanks guys, must get my other car sorted now, you have all given me incentive to get back in the garage :d :D :d



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Just back home from the best weekend I have had in a long while. Echo all said above, for me it was a pleasure to be involved thanks to all the organisers they deserve the accolades.

Please no pink ever ever again.

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Sorry for the double post.

I thought that some that had attended would not be able to read it in the members only section but could pick it up on here instead.

I felt that the naming and shaming needed to go beyond the menbers only group.


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I too must add my congratulations to team Chaz (too many to mention individually).  As said by Club Sec David, we really blew the other guys out of the park - and secured about 30 new / returning members into the bargain.


Top job,  Top organisation,  Top hat off to all involved.


Many thanks on behalf of the club for your efforts over the weekend.  :)

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Thanks Paul.

I'm sure that all the guys involved appreciate you support as much as I do. 


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Echo all the above, terrific atmosphere and a great weekend, just shows what I've always believed is true, it's the members that make the club - the members have done the club proud this weekend - well done, best Stoneleigh I can remember.

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Echo all the above, terrific atmosphere and a great weekend, just shows what I've always believed is true, it's the members that make the club - the members have done the club proud this weekend - well done, best Stoneleigh I can remember.


I could not agree more, absolutely spot on slick operation.


Well done to all, great effort.


I am already working on a camping pass for next year :)

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Again thanks for everyone who work hard organising the WSCC stand. This was my first time to Stoneleigh and being a new member I was made to feel welcome by everyone I meet what a great day and a lovely sunny drive home to Cornwall hope to see you all next year

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