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Suggestion for Stoneleigh meet.


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Graham, i'm heading in on the way back from wales. Will be turning up at about in a very dusty westfield. Depending what time you are leaving i'll join you for a convoy home.

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Back to the topic, this is a very valid point as many will all be wandering about  at Stoneleigh maybe wanting to talk or catch up with various members who we "know" only by some strange pseudonym. I have suggested that we have a name tag with both our "handle" and first name on and this has been heard and we have had some success in getting to know people without meeting under the clock wearing a carnation. I guess with the AOs now being outed it is a good step forward and I guess in the best interests of some members its best to possibly remain cloaked.  I also have some trouble at club nights by the way. Being British we don't tend to introduce ourselves too well like the Dutch whose first words are their name as an introduction. So I guess we will see how we do and lets hope that we can improve our identification somewhat. The other issue is that for some of the older gentlemen we can remember loads of names but then putting the names to faces after not seeing someone for a couple of years can be tricky especially when you are getting to that brain adled by beer stage in life. I am hoping to catch up with numerous people even a quick Hi but I hope we will have better labelling. Of course I can recognise Memsec as he has the pretzels Mr Chairperson was last seen carrying his dog(s) around, Norman (not this year),  Chaz, Cleggy, and Tony and Smokey and numerous more I will struggle with, but I will get by as we all will. Actually looking forward to it again, I missed last year and will be helping at the auto-jumble Monday morning. Can't wait, bring it on, if the weathers good we could have a record attendance as well.


See you all there, I'm the George Clooney look alike not, wearing a carnation also not.Wife calls me the grumpy old fart but think that's a term of endearment ?


Bob :d  :d :d  :d  :d  :d  


Maybe I just need some counselling or a dark room or an ounce of lead.

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 Smokey and numerous more I will struggle with,


You'll find it hard to miss me :d I'll be there Sunday and Monday so if you see a young(ish) tall chap wearing a shirt with my name on it come and say hi :yes:

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You'll find it hard to miss me :d I'll be there Sunday and Monday so if you see a young(ish) tall chap wearing a shirt with my name on it come and say hi :yes:

Are you sure.......... :d

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Bob, Try walking up to people with the words "don't I know you?".


You may get some surprising results.

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Name tags, badges?



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I will be easily found in the big tent (where all clowns belong) in my grey committee shirt with my name on it, ready to take your money for guesses in the Great Pretzel Game! :)

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But Norman you aren't going this year. we will miss you


Bob  :d  :p  :angry:  :)

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It is all taken care of chaps.

As in previous years the volunteers all will have name badges and T Shirts with WSCC branding so you can't miss them, this years color is a fetching pink.

The committee all have personalised shirts as do the AO team.

I'll be there about midday looking stressed but looking forward to meeting old friends and meeting new ones.

I'll also be found on BBQ duites at the marquee from about 18:30 on the Sunday (stand well back!!!!!)


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But I'll be there in spirit.


Problem is I cant work out which, whiskey, whisky, gin, vodka, brandy..... so many choices.


Have a good time everybody.

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Well done Chaz, knew we could rely on you as always.


Bob   :d  :d

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