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Suggestion for Stoneleigh meet.


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This is going to sound a bit of a strange question,but, anyone ever considered wearing a member name tag on their shirt whilst on the club stand ? Humans are a funny old lot and knowing instantly who you`re talking to will get us all talking a lot quicker.Putting faces to member names seems such an obvious thing. ;)


Well now I`ve made a total pr4tt of myself....I`m going to make my tag. :down:  :down:

It`s a lot easier than saying `hello fella who are you ?` If they`re not a memeber you could end up with a smack in the gob!!


See you there..from another fat bloke, wearing a name tag. :d

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I'll be wearing a shirt with my name on it :laugh: but then you already know who I am :oops:

These should help us spot each others cars :cool:


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Graham, you cant miss me - i'll be stood behind a desk full of Teng Tools mate  :)

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Sounds like a top idea, went first time in 2011 and saw/recognisee all the cars but the b*******s weren't standing next to them!

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Pete.....are you going to be there as you had something else planned ?

HI Graham,


Yup, i'll be there.....drooling over the modded motors (well i can only wish)....


I wont be wearing a name tag, otherwise my other half will think i'm up to no good....if i spot you, i'll definately give you a HIGH FIVE...lol.


See you there mate.

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Wear a tag......stand up and be proud of who you are........s0d what anyone else thinks.


How cool.....when a stranger comes up and says `hello SlowPoke...I`m -----------`

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I shall mostly be fat, bald and a bloke....

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If people don't want to wear a name badge, we could always put our forum user names on the car?

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Good idea Dan Heywood.  :)

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If people don't want to wear a name badge, we could always put our forum user names on the car?

Ok....only if you stand by your car allday ??????

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Ok....only if you stand by your car allday ??????


Ok...wear a picture of your car then ;-)

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Are we all watching       ....     Tokyo Drift ....?


Bit like admitting...I watch Corrie.....


But I am.......................brilliant driving.

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