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Personal car facts?


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Strange title I know and not sure if this has been asked before?


Was just sat thinking about the number of vehicles/cars I've owned and it is now around 60 ish (including bikes), spread over 29 years it seems a lot.

I just realised that my Westfield is the longest I've kept a car for, 2 years 2 months (and I'm still as keen to mess around it still)  :). 


The shortest was 2 weeks and 3 days (Triumph TR7+17 yrs old = write off)  :blush:


If money was no object and I could have any car in history I would probably have something like this,



Or seeing as they obviously got the inspiration from the 7's we all drive, this




What floats your boat (and don't say water).

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Being in the motor trade I've had hundreds. Some I kept for a few days and one I sold before I even drove it.

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Being in the motor trade I've had hundreds. Some I kept for a few days and one I sold before I even drove it.

That's cheating Norm  :)

And I like the Aston, although I do like the DB5 too.


I'll change tack then, (you'll be spoilt for choice Norm), if you could have kept any car you've owned which would it be?


My first car was a Mk2 Escort, which would have been worth a bob or two now or the UR Quattro I had for 2 years (previous longest car I've owned behind the Westie).

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Not one I've owned, but I would love to be in possession of a Talbot Lago Goutte d'Eau.


Never going to happen though... money aside, the Mrs Coyote isn't a fan of car parts in the house, so have a pretty good idea what the response to a Talbot in the living room would be!  :d


Hopefully have the chance to "make do" with an early XK in the future.  The Zagato posted is lovely too...

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I've had a few cars, mum was in car trade, so when I first passed my test I'd take whatever was on the forecourt!

Didn't crash any though. Had a couple of incidents on track days, had one in the snow... First time I drove a car with ABS, which did nothing at all in the snow... I rear ended a guy at lights.

I had a little mini and a motorbike at first. Mini was a 1000 city, then I upgraded engines as insurance dropped, loved it and kept it right up to the stage I had a 1480 turbo, from a MG Metro Turbo. Someone tried to steal it, ended up. In the living room of a house down the road.

Had lots of other cars, but I kept the mini from age 15, chicken shed! Rebuilt it, first drove it a week after 17th when I passed my test and it was stolen and destroyed when. I was 25! Westfield defiantly my favorite car though. Why it keeps getting repaired. I could take the money from insurance and buy another... BT it's mine!

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OK, but it isn't one car.


A Mk 2 Cortina Lotus

An Alfa Romeo 1300 GT Junior

a Lancia Integralle 16v chipped to 220 bhp

A Lotus Elite.


Not a fan of big cars or big engines so not interested in the Jaguars or Ferraris I've had (used may be a better description). Nearest thing to a big engine was the Datsun 240Z's I had. I would buy them, do them up, use them and then sell at huge profits. I was a Datsun/Nissan dealer at the time and they were in short supply.


THIS is some of them, not the actual cars, mind you.


And some more interesting stuff HERE

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1961 Aston Martin DB4GT Zagato




Can I just clarify, the Aston was submitted under the, if money was no object what would you have, topic and not the, what's the best car you've ever owned one!  Sadly I'm not Bill Gates or Donald Trump.....


In the latter category however I'd put a 1968 Triumph TR5 I had as a student in 1975.  I think that was the one I was most upset about when I had to sell it on.

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I will see lots at stoneleigh this weekend ;)

Mass produced cars or bikes just don't do it for me unless they are Land Rovers ;)

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Not one I've owned, but I would love to be in possession of a Talbot Lago Goutte d'Eau.


Never going to happen though... money aside, the Mrs Coyote isn't a fan of car parts in the house, so have a pretty good idea what the response to a Talbot in the living room would be!  :d


Hopefully have the chance to "make do" with an early XK in the future.  The Zagato posted is lovely too...

Holy C**p Mr Coyote, Talbot Lago Goutte d'Eau!


Sounds like an illness  :p 


Never heard of one, but after google I now know, looks a bit vintage Jag at the front.

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OK, but it isn't one car.


A Mk 2 Cortina Lotus

An Alfa Romeo 1300 GT Junior

a Lancia Integralle 16v chipped to 220 bhp

A Lotus Elite.


Not a fan of big cars or big engines so not interested in the Jaguars or Ferraris I've had (used may be a better description). Nearest thing to a big engine was the Datsun 240Z's I had. I would buy them, do them up, use them and then sell at huge profits. I was a Datsun/Nissan dealer at the time and they were in short supply.


THIS is some of them, not the actual cars, mind you.


And some more interesting stuff HERE


Love the intregrale and often considered buying one but always found summat else.


The Thornycroft Might Antar takes me back to being a kid, used to have Dinky toy models, (many happy hours of entertainment).

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I also drove a very old (1950's ) Merc horsebox from the Blues & Royals barracks at Hyde Park Corner to the garage near Euston Road and Tottenham Court Road with no brakes.


And it was a left hooker!


I was going up Marylebone High Street (not Road) which is very narrow. I was going at a walking pace around one of the bends when a lady in a mini came the other way. I stopped and watched with interest as she noticed there was no driver in this huge lorry coming towards her. She held her hands up to her face and screamed as the car went down the step ring. A young bobby was walking past and he strolled over, came round to my window and said "It's OK soldier, I saw what happened, you get off and I'll deal with Madam"


The box belonged to the troop and was used for the polo ponies stationed in Germany. It was on German civvy plates. 

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I also drove a very old (1950's ) Merc horsebox from the Blues & Royals barracks at Hyde Park Corner to the garage near Euston Road and Tottenham Court Road with no brakes.


And it was a left hooker!


I was going up Marylebone High Street (not Road) which is very narrow. I was going at a walking pace around one of the bends when a lady in a mini came the other way. I stopped and watched with interest as she noticed there was no driver in this huge lorry coming towards her. She held her hands up to her face and screamed as the car went down the step ring. A young bobby was walking past and he strolled over, came round to my window and said "It's OK soldier, I saw what happened, you get off and I'll deal with Madam"


The box belonged to the troop and was used for the polo ponies stationed in Germany. It was on German civvy plates. 


Great story Norman.


Reminds me of when I was at Uni, my Mini broke down on M6 near Brum late at night and couple of coppers stopped in Range Rover, said you can't leave it here, pulled me off the motorway and then helped fix it. The fuse had gone, they suggested swapping other one in, which made the engine work, but lost a lot of lights. Of you go they said, so I did :d :D :d

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Tricky - Goutte d'Eau is water drop. You can see why, can't you.


Same body manufacturer who made the Bugatti Atlantic aka the teardrop.


Some of the most beautiful cars ever made, in my opinion.


I know a chap in Sheffield who has a huge workshop under his house. Last time I was there he was nearing completion of a Talbot Lago Grand Prix car. It was magnificent.

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