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sterilizing motorhome water tanks


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Milton here too...

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How much do you dilute it Jeff ? and where did you get Hydrogen Peroxide from, something at the back of my mind say hairdressers use it ?

You buy it openly at the chemists about £2.00 per bottle. It comes in differing solution strengths but I use a bottle of 6% strength for about 45 ltrs.


Hairdressers do use it I believe undiluted to strip all colour out of hair, which is where you get the bleached blonde look from.


I tried milton but I found if there was a smell at all in the tank Milton did not take that away.

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Milton or Aqua Tab solution available at most camping shops simply dilute and add to tank top up with fresh water - prome the system so all pipeworks and taps are fully loaded leave for 24 hours and rinse through with a couple of tank loads of fresh water et voila :)  ;)  best do at start of each season and end ;)  :)

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Another vote for Milton do it at the beginning of each year just over dose it then flush it through. The stuffs used for baby sterilisers but you don't want to be tasting bleach do you. It has a distinctive bleachy smell so if you can still smell it flush it with fresh a bit more. My system has a 40 litre water tank and it feeds the taps etc and hot water heater just make sure you flush both hot and cold through.


Easy peasy


Bob :d

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takes me back 40 years and babies bottles.

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Not getting all paternal are you Norman


Bob :love:


Grandkids you can return

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Can't get them in the first place when they're 600 miles away.  :)

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But I suppose they can see you then, maybe not a good idea  :d  :d :d  




Anyway Milton was good before all those fancy steam sterilizers etc

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He's on the web cam at every opportunity. He 6 now and can work the laptop, tablet and phone himself. He calls at 9 o'clock on everyday he's not in school.


I say he's 6 but he's 6 going on 40. He gives his Nan a real lecture if she gets anything wrong. So if you've already worked it out that's most things.

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another vote for milton - i use the tablets for my airbath - but you must let it circulate in the whole system the best you can - let it stand for a an hour or so then empty - rinse - really works much better than the manufacturers cleaning agent tablets [which are probably milton anyway lol]

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I thought Milton made steering rack conversions for Anglias

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I thought it was Keynes first name.

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